
 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
A FEW days ago, I saw a Recruiting Sergeant leading five or six youths to the Recruiting Office, in order that they might enter Her Majesty’s army. The young fellows looked poor and shabby, and presented a striking contrast to the trained, well-dressed, and decorated Sergeant who conducted them.
The manifest poverty of the youths brought to my mind the condition of poor sinners who come to Christ. For the most part they have been endeavoring to make both ends meet by trying to keep the law, and thus commend themselves to God. But they have found out that the more they tried, the farther they seemed from the desired end. Then, like the youths who could not gain a livelihood and maintain a decent position, they resolve to enlist; or, as regards the sinner, to go to Christ, having heard and believed that He is willing to receive all who come unto Him, however poor and needy they may be.
I observed, too, that most of the young men were by no means of high stature; and I questioned whether they would all reach the requisite standard. But as respects God’s standard, how blessed it is to know that lowliness of spirit, which is despised by man, is that which God highly esteems, “Though the Lord be high, yet hath He respect unto the lowly; but the proud He knoweth afar off.”
Psa. 138:6. We read also, in Luke 19, how the Lord called Zacchæus, who was “little of stature,” and brought blessing to him and to his house. Another thing which I noticed was, that they all came just as they were, having done nothing to mend their condition. It was not, indeed, in their power to do so. And that is just the way that the sinner should come to Christ, as expressed in the familiar hymn―
“Just as I am―without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me;
And that Thou bid’st me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come.
“Just as I am―and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot
O Lamb of God, I come.”
In a short time, what a change will be effected in those recruits! They will cast off their shabby clothing, and be dressed in the uniform of the regiment to which they are attached, and be trained to march uprightly, and in company with their fellow-soldiers; and so be fitted for the warfare which may await them. Just as believers are brought to the Captain of their salvation, and are trained and instructed by Him, that they may become good soldiers of Jesus Christ. (2 Tim. 2:3). Then too, they in due time may also prove themselves to be zealous recruiting-sergeants, inducing others to come to their great and glorious Captain, and to enter into His blessed service.
Have you, young reader, yet enlisted? Have you hearkened to the invitations and entreaties of the Gospel, and come to Christ? If you have, may you prove faithful, and seek to lead others to Him.