Redemption means deliverance by price out of our state of bondage into freedom.
The true knowledge of redemption brings one into perfect peace, into true and constant dependence on the Redeemer.
Israel were redeemed out of Egypt when they crossed the Red Sea; then they sang; so we "joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom. 5:11.
We wait the redemption of our bodies. (Rom. 8:23.) That will be when the Lord comes for us and provides the dead and living with glorified bodies. (1 Cor. 15:51-54; Phil. 3:21.)
Then we look for the redemption of the purchased possession, which will bring the new creation into the blessedness of deliverance. (Rom. 8:19-22; Eph. 1:14.)
The unbelieving are not redeemed, but will bow and own Christ as Lord before being cast out into outer darkness. (Isa. 45:23; Rom. 14:11; Phil. 2:10.)
WE ARE by Christ redeemed,
The cost-His precious blood;
Be nothing by our souls esteemed
Like this great good.
Were the vast world our own,
With all its varied store,
And Thou, Lord Jesus, wert unknown,
We still were poor.
Our earthen vessels break;
The world itself grows old;
But Christ our precious dust will take And freshly mold:
He'll give these bodies vile
A fashion like His own;
He'll bid the whole creation smile,
And hush its groan.
Thus far by grace preserved,
Each moment speeds us on;
The crown and kingdom are reserved
Where Christ is gone.
When cloudless morning shines,
We shall His glory share;
In pleasant places are the lines;
The home how fair!
To Him our weakness clings
Through tribulation sore,
And seeks the covert of His wings
Till all he o'er.
And when we've run the race,
And fought the faithful fight,
We then shall see Him face to face,