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ONCE when I was visiting my native village I was going to a neighboring town to preach. I saw a young man coming from a house in a car, in which was seated an old woman. I felt interested in them, and asked my companion who they were. I was told to look at the adjoining meadow and pasture, and great barns that were on the farm, as well as a good house. “Well,” said my companion, “that young man’s father drank that all up, and left his wife in the poorhouse. The young man went away and worked until he had got money enough to redeem that farm, and now it is his own, and he is taking his mother to meeting.”
In the first Adam we have lost all, but Christ the last Adam has redeemed everything by His death. Reader, have you part with Christ in this glorious redemption? Are you in Christ, or are you still in your sins?
Memory Verse: “MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE, AND I KNOW THEM, AND THEY FOLLOW ME.” John 10:2727My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: (John 10:27).