Relative Order of Three Synoptical Gospels

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 33min
 •  24 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke are arranged in three parallel columns in the following tables, in their relative order. There are five tables. On the outer margins of each table are consecutive numbers, for more easy reference to any parallel passages required. Each table is numbered in Roman numerals. Observe the following direction:-
0—Put before any text shows that no parallel passage occurs in the other two Gospels. 1,2 or 1,3 or 2,3 indicate the columns in which parallels occur. The headings introduced, e.g. M. 1. 6; L. 2. 8, (e.g. Matthew, table, 1, line number 6; Luke, table 2, line number 8) refer not to chapters and verses, but to the table and the marginal numbers opposite the line in which the passage referred to is to be found.-Ed.]
Mark is the most strictly chronological.
Luke follows him closest where he is so; hut the middle of the gospel is a collection of instructions not chronological, but morally connected.
Matthew orders his materials, or the Holy Spirit by him, to show the dealing with the Jews, as come to them according to promise, and the change to the new thing; and, though prophetically speaking of Church as well as kingdom, leads Christ, at close, to Galilee, with the residue, and does not follow the history to the ascension, but he alone gives the history of the resurrection itself. Harmonies lose the distinctive power of the gospel.
I believe Matt. 28:1,1In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. (Matthew 28:1) to mean the evening of Saturday, the crepuscule of evening not morning; ver. 5 is a new paragraph. Luke 24:3434Saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon. (Luke 24:34) alludes to the appearing to Peter, of which Paul speaks. Luke's account as to women is quite general. Mary Magdalene was at the sepulcher when it was dark. Peter and John go, and go away home. Mary remains and sees Jesus. When the women come they see the angels and flee. Mary Magdalene, taught of Jesus, goes and tells disciples. As the others went, Jesus meets them, and desires them to tell disciples He was going into Galilee. Mary Magdalene was to tell them He was going to the Father. It was only in their flight the women said nothing to any one. After meeting Jesus they were probably re-assured; and, at any rate, afterward they told what the angels told them, as we learn from the Lord going to Emmaus, and see Luke 24:99And returned from the sepulchre, and told all these things unto the eleven, and to all the rest. (Luke 24:9). But he unites all in a general statement, as often, and adds other women. Ver. 12 is apart; the Greek has not "then." The accounts are very brief, and refer to object of gospel. Several saw Him. See Mark 16:1414Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen. (Mark 16:14); and 1 Cor. 15.
Table 1
Matthew (M.)
Mark (Mk.)
Luke (L.)
Matt. 1:1-17. 0. Genealogy to David and Abraham.
Luke 1:5-25. 0. Zachariah's vision as to John's birth.
Matt. 1:18-25. 1, 3. Birth of Jesus.
Luke 1:26-80. 0. Visitation of Mary, goes to see Elizabeth, birth of John, hymn of Zacharias.
Matt. 2:1-12. 0. Arrival of Magi in Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
Luke 2:1-20. 0. Decree of Caesar, birth of Jesus, chorus of angels with shepherds.
Matt. 2:13-23. 0-Flight to Egypt and return to Nazareth.
Luke 2:21-40. 0. Circumcision of Jesus - Simeon - Anna - return of Joseph to Nazareth.
Matt. 3. 3. John the Baptist - Christ baptized.
Mark 1:1-11. 3. John the Baptist - Christ baptized.
Luke 2:41-52. 0. With the doctors in temple at twelve years old.
Matt. 4:1-11. 3. Temptation. Mk. 1. 6; L. 1. 8.
Mark 1:12, 13. 3-Temptation (briefly)
Luke 3:1-22. 3. 15th of Tiberius - Annas and Caiaphas, John preaches, etc. - Christ baptized.
Matt. 4:12-17. 1, 2. After John in prison - 1, 3. leaves Nazareth - 0. to dwell in Capernaum.
Mark 1:14, 15. 1, 2. After John in prison - Jesus preaches in Galilee. M. & L. 1. 9.
Luke 3:23-38. 0. Genealogy to Adam Son of God.
Matt. 4:18-22. 3. Calls Andrew, Simon, James, John. Mk. 1. 8; L. 1. 12.
Mark 1:16-20. 3-Calls Andrew, Simon, James, and John. M. 1. 8; L. 1. 12.
Luke 4:1-13. 0. Full of the Holy Ghost. 3. Temptation. M. & Mk. 1. 6.
Matt. 4:23-25. 3. Goes about all Galilee healing and preaching. Mk. 1. 7; L. 1. 9.
Mark 1:21, 28. 2, 3. Synagogue in Capernaum - casts out devil. L. 1. 10.
Luke 4:14-30 3. Teaches in synagogues of Galilee. 0. Preaches in Nazareth.
Matt. 5-7. 1, 3. Seeing the multitudes. Sermon on the mount. L. 1. 20; 2. 22. (see Mk. 1. 17)
Mark 1:29, 39. 3. Heals Simon's wife's mother, and many in desert.
Luke 4:31-37. 2, 3. Synagogue in Capernaum, casts out devil. Mk. 1. 9.
Matt. 8:1-4. 3. (Comes down). Heals leper.
Mark 1:40-45. 3. Heals leper. M. 1. 11; L. 1. 13.
Luke 4:40-44. 3. Heals Simon's wife's mother and many in desert. M. 1. 13; Mk. 1. 10.
Matt. 8:5-13. 1, 3. Enters into Capernaum. Heals centurion's servant. L. 1. 21.
Mark 2:1-13. 3. Heals paralytic in Capernaum after days. M. 1. 16; L. 1. 14.
Luke 5:1-11. 3. Teaches the people, calls Andres, Simon, James, John. M. 1. 8; Mk. 1. 8.
Matt. 8:14-17. 3. In Peter's house heals his wife's mother and many. Mk. 1. 10; L. 1. 11.
Mark 2:14-29. 3. Calls Levi. Grace to sinners, bridegroom here, wine in new bottles. M. 1. 17; L. 1. 15.
Luke 5:12-15. 3. Heals Leper. M. & Mk. 1. 11.
Matt. 8:18-27. 3. Crosses the sea in a storm - foxes have holes - dead to bury their dead. Mk. 1. 20; L. 2. 5.
Mark 2:23, 28. 3. Sabbath in corn fields, etc. Son of Man Lord of it. M. 2. 1.
Luke 5:16-26. 3. Heals paralytic (a certain day). M. 1. 16; Mk. 1. 12
Matt. 8:28-34. 3. Cures two in country of Gergenses. Devils go into swine. Mk. 1. 20; L. 2. 5.
Mark 3:1, 6. 3. Sabbath - withered hand healed in synagogue. Pharisees would kill him. M. 2. 1, 2; L. 1. 17.
Luke 5:27-39. Calls Levi, grace to sinners, bridegroom, wine in new bottles. M. 1. 17; Mk. 1. 13.
Matt. 9:1-8. 3. Heals sick of the palsy in Capernaum (own city). Mk. 1. 12; L. 1. 14.
Mark 3:7-12. 0. General position and career of Christ.
Luke 6:1-5. 3. Second after first Sabbath in corn fields. Son of man Lord of it. M. 2. 1; Mk. 2. 14.
Matt. 9:9-17. 3. Matthew called - grace to sinners - bridegroom there - wine in new bottles. Mk. 1. 13; L. 1. 15.
Mark 3:13, 20. 3. Goes up into the mountain - 2, 3. Appoints twelve apostles. M. 1. 10; L. 1. 18.
Luke 6:6-11. 3. Sabbath, withered hand healed in synagogue - Scribes and Pharisees filled with rage, would kill Him. M. 2. 1, 2; Mk. 1. 15.
Matt. 9:18-26. 3. Ruler's daughter raised - woman healed on way. Mk. 1. 21; L. 2. 6.
Mark 3:21-35. 0. People come together, friends treat him as beside himself. 3. Full blasphemy of Pharisees against Holy Spirit - no forgiveness - owns disciples, not natural ties. M. 2. 2; L. 2. 20; M. 2. 4; L. 2. 4.
Luke 6:12-16. 2, 3. On the mountain in prayer - morning chose twelve - names them apostles. Mk. 1. 17 (see M. 1. 10).
Matt. 9:27-34. 0. Two blind healed (Son of David) 1, 3-Dumb healed - Pharisees blaspheme. L. 2. 19.
Mark 4:1-34. 3. Parables from the ship. M. 2. 5; L. 2. 4, 22; 3. 10.
Luke 6:17-19. 0. Comes down - multitude there seek to touch, for virtue goes out to heal.
Matt. 9:35-38. Goes everywhere healing and preaching - harvest plenty, laborers few.
Mark 4:35-41. 3. Crosses the sea in the storm (5:1, 20). Heals Legion. M. 1. 14; L. 2. 5.
Luke 6:20-49. 1, 3. Addresses His disciples in Sermon (on the mount). M. 1. 10.
Matt. 10. 3-Sends out twelve - (to Israel only). Mk. 2. 1; L. 2. 7.
Mark 5:21-43. 3. Jairus' daughter - woman healed on the way. M. 1. 18; L. 2. 6.
Luke 7:1-10. 1, 3. Enters into Capernaum, heals centurion's servant. M. 1. 12.
Matt. 11. 1, 3-Message of John - and principles of change of dispensation. L. 2. 1.
Mark 6:1, 6. 1, 2. Despised as Carpenter's Son. M. 2. 5.
Luke 7:11-18. 0. Widow of Nain's son raised.
Table 2
Matt. 12:1-13. 3. Sabbath in corn fields, another Sabbath, withered hand healed. Mk. 1. 14; L. 1. 16.
Mark 6:7-13. 3. Twelve sent out. M. 1. 21; L. 2. 7.
Luke 7:19-35. 1, 3. Message of John, Jews judged, wisdom justified of her children. M. 1. 22.
Matt. 12:14-32. 3. Pharisees seek to kill, afterward blaspheme against Holy Ghost, for this no forgiveness. Mk. 1. 15; L. 1. 17; Mk. 1. 18.
Mark 6:14-29. 3. Herod's thought, Christ is John. 1, 2. Account of John Baptist's death. L. 2. 7; M. 2. 6.
Luke 7:36-50. Simon and the woman that was a sinner with Jesus.
Matt. 12:33-45. 3. Nation judged, sign of Jonas, Nineveh, Queen of Sheba, evil spirit and seven more, their last state. L. 2. 21.
Mark 6:20-44. 3. (On Twelve's return) goes into desert - feeds 5,000. M. 2. 7; L. 2. 8.
Luke 8:1-3. Goes preaching, twelve and devoted women with Him.
Matt. 12:46-50. 3. Disowns relationship by nature in flesh. His disciples His brethren. Mk. 1. 18; L. 2. 4.
Mark 6:45-56. 1, 2. Walks on the sea - heals in Gennesaret. M. 2. 8.
Luke 8:4-21. 3. Parables - Disciples not natural relations His brethren. M. 2. 5; Mk. 1. 19; M. 2. 4; Mk. 1. 18.
Matt. 13. 3. Parables - despised as Carpenter's son. L. 2. 4; 3. 10; Mk. 1. 19, 22.
Mark 7:1-23. 1, 2. Judgment on tradition and Pharisees. M. 2. 9.
Luke 8:22-40. 3. Crosses sea in storm asleep, heals Legion in Gadarenes, effect on Legion. M. 1. 14; Mk. 1. 20.
Matt. 14:1-12. 1, 2. History of John Baptist's death. M. 2. 2 (see L. 1. 6.).
Mark 7:24-30. 1, 2. Syrophoenician woman. M. 2. 10.
Luke 8:41-56. 3. Jairus' daughter, woman healed. M. 1. 18; Mk. 1. 21.
Matt. 14:13-21. 3. Account of 5,000 fed. Mk. 2. 3; L. 2. 8.
Mark 7:31, 37. 0. Heals deaf, could hardly speak aside, with Ephphatha.
Luke 9:1-9. 3. Twelve sent out, Herod's surprise, believes it's John. M 1. 21; Mk. 2. 1 (Mk. 1. 22. not here). M. 2. 6; Mk. 2. 2.
Matt. 14:22-36. 1, 2. Walks on sea - heals in Gennesaret. Mk. 2. 4.
Mark 8:1-9. 1, 2. Feeds 4,000. M. 2. 11.
Luke 9:10-17. 3. Twelve return - feed's 5,000. M. 2. 7; Mk. 2. 3.
Matt. 15:1-20. 1, 2. Judgment on tradition and Pharisees. Mk. 2. 5.
Mark 8:10-21. 1, 2. Leaves Pharisees judged, Twelve slow of heart. M. 2. 12.
Luke 9:18-27. 3. Peter confesses Him, Cross to be taken up. M. 2. 13; Mk. 2. 11.
Matt. 15:21, 28. 1, 2. Woman of Canaan & her daughter. M. 2. 6.
Mark 8:22-26. 0. Blind man gradually healed, aside.
Luke 9:28-43. 3. Transfiguration and what follows. M. 2. 14; Mk. 2. 12.
Matt. 15:29, 39. 1, 2. Feeds 4,000 near sea of Galilee. M. 2. 8.
Mark 8:27-38. 3. Peter confesses Christ, the cross to be taken up (not Church). M. 2. 13; L. 2. 9.
Luke 9:43-45. 3. Sayings to sink down in ears - of Cross. M. 2. 15; Mk. 2. 13.
Matt. 16:1-12. 1, 2. Leaves Pharisees and Sadducees judged. Twelve slow of heart. Mk. 2. 9.
Mark 9:1-29. 3. Transfiguration and what follows. M. 2. 14; L. 2. 10.
Luke 9:46-50. 3. Children a pattern, not to forbid casting out, those not against, with. M. 2.16; Mk. 2. 14 (not all in Matthew).
Matt. 16:13-28. 3. Confession of Peter, Son of living God, the Church, the Cross. Mk. 2. 11; L. 2. 9.
Mark 9:30-32. 3. Teaches the cross. M. 2. 15; L. 2. 11.
Luke 9:51-56. 0. Among Samaritans going to Jerusalem, come to save not destroy.
Matt. 17:1-21. 3. Transfiguration. Elias, unbelief, Devil cast out by Jesus. Mk. 2. 12; L. 2. 10.
Mark 9:33-50. 2. Children a pattern, not to forbid the caster out of devils - not against, with - warns against offenses, all salted with fire, sacrifices with salt. M. 2. 16; L. 2. 12 (first part only partially in Matthew).
Luke 9:57, 62. 1, 3. Nowhere to lay His head, the dead to bury their dead, not to look back. M. 1. 15.
Matt. 17:22-27. 3. Teaches the cross. 0. Didrachma. Mk. 2. 10; L. 2. 11.
Mark 10:1-16. 1, 2. Question of divorce, children owned, of such Kingdom of God. M. 2. 18.
Luke 10:1-16. 0. Seventy sent out, judgment on Chorazin, Tire, etc. - despising of Christ - despising Him who sends. M. 1. 22; Mk. 2. 1.
Matt. 18:1-14. 0. Children owned as regarded of God, Kingdom of Heaven of such, those like them great - warns against offenses. Mk. 2. 14; L. 2. 12.
Mark 10:17-27. 3. Young ruler loved, danger of riches, salvation possible to God. M. 2. 19; L. 4. 2.
Luke 10:17-21. 0. Best portion, names written in heaven - 3. all given to Son, their eyes blessed who saw what they saw. M. 1. 22; Mk. 2. 5.
Matt. 18:15-35. 0. Church. Two or three met in Jesus' name take place of Synagogue, directions given, forgiveness in grace.
Mark 10:28-34. 3. Leaving all, hundred fold and eternal life - disciples follow amazed to Jerusalem, Jesus to be rejected - His place in resurrection. M. 2. 20; L. 4. 3.
Luke 10:25-37. 0. Lawyer's question on eternal life, neighbor, grace, good Samaritan.
Matt. 19:1-15. 1, 2. Natural relationship rests on divine ordinance, but something above, not universal, in marriage, question of divorce, in children. Mk. 2. 15.
Mark 10:35-45. 1, 2. Zebedee's sons - M. 2. 21 3. lowliness disciples' place. M. 2. 22; L. 4. 17.
Luke 10:38-42. 0. Mary hears His word - Martha cumbered.
Matt. 19:16-26. 3. Young man of upright amiable nature, but rests on it for goodness, danger of riches - salvation God's work - impossible to man. Mk. 2. 16; L. 4. 2.
Mark: Nothing.
Luke 11:1, 15. 1, 3. Prayer, gift of Holy Spirit. Dumb healed - Pharisees blaspheme. M. 1. 10.
Matt. 19:27; 20:19. 3. Cross to be taken up, leaving all, fruit in regeneration, all grace, hiring of laborers, Jesus to be rejected, has his place in resurrection. Mk. 2. 17; L. 4. 3.
Luke 11:15, 26. 3. Blasphemy against Holy Spirit. Unclean spirit goes out - takes seven more. M. 2. 2; Mk. 1. 18.
Matt. 20:20-23. 1, 2. Zebedee's sons. Christ gives share in cross necessary place in the kingdom for those for whom prepared of Father. Mk. 2. 18.
Luke 11:27-32. Reception of the word better than natural relationship 1, 3. Judgment of generation by Jonas, Nineve, Queen of Sheba. M. 2. 3.
Matt. 20:24-28. 3. Lowliness disciples' place. Mk. 2. 18; L. 4. 17.
Luke 11:33-36. 3. Light set on candlestick - 0. but what is eye to receive it. M. 1. 10; Mk. 1. 19.
Luke 11:37, 54. 3. Judgment of Pharisees, lawyers. Scribes press Him. M. 4. 14; Mk. 4. 14; 2. 9.
Table 3
All this (in column 3) is either only in Luke or morsels from various parts of the history put morally together.
Luke 12:1-7. Discourse. God to be feared not man, all will be known. M. 1. 21; Mk. 1. 19.
Luke 12:8-12. Disciples speak by Holy Ghost, speaking against Him not forgiven. M. 1. 21; Mk. 1. 18; 4. 15.
Luke 12:13-21. No judge or divider, avoid covetousness, life not in possessing.
Luke 12:22-34 Not to be thoughtful, God their Father cares for disciples as precious - Father's good pleasure to give them the kingdom. M. 1. 10.
Luke 12:35-40. To wait for their Lord, girded till then, then Christ's love will serve them. M. 4. 18.
Luke 12:41-48. They rulers over all found serving faithfully, unfaithful judged according to knowledge of will.
Luke 12:49-59. Does not bring peace, time to be discerned by people. Adversary to be agreed with, else go into prison. M. 1. 21, 10.
Luke 13:1-10. They must all repent, or be destroyed, God's patience with His fig-tree closes.
Luke 13:11-17. He will act in grace in Israel on Sabbath in spite of hypocrisy. See M. 2. 1; Mk. 1. 14.
Luke 13:18-22. Kingdom will be like grain of mustard seed and leaven. M. 2. 5; Mk. 1. 19.
Luke 13:23-30. Are remnant few? Strait gate for the nation rejected, Last first, First last. M. 1. 10.
Luke 13:31-33. In spite of cunning to get rid of Him in Galilee, must perish at Jerusalem in God's time when His work is done.
Luke 13:34-35. O Jerusalem! Jerusalem!
Luke 14:1-6. Their own selfish conduct shows God may be good not rest on Sabbath.
Luke 14:7-14. In new system, grace takes lowest place, deals in grace recompensed in resurrection.
Luke 14:15-24. Invitation (character of Kingdom) rejected, lanes gone to, then highways, nation invited rejected. M. 4. 11.
Luke 14:25-35. Forsake relations and life to be His disciples, cost to be counted, salt must have its savor. M. 1. 21 (see M. 2. 11).
(Column 3) Only in Luke.
Luke 15. Parables of lost sheep, piece of silver, prodigal son, grace seeking, receiving grace.
Luke 16:1-18. Grace reckoning on the future in use of present things. Unjust steward.
Luke 16:19, 31. The future things opened in contrast with present - Dives and Lazarus. Jews won't hear even if one rise from the dead.
Luke 17:1-10. Offenses, power of faith, but only service. M. 2. 16; Mk. 2. 12.
Luke 17:11-19. Samaritan healed, owning God in Christ, not bound to temple.
Luke 17:20, 18:8. Judgment of Jerusalem in the days of the Son of Man like Noah and Lot, but God will hear His elect who cry. M. 4. 16; Mk. 4. 15.
Table 4
Here history resumed.
Luke 18:9-17. Lowliness as a sinner - 3. Lowliness as a child. M. 2. 18; Mk. 2. 15.
Luke 18:18-23. 3. Life by law if kept - young ruler - perfection - leave all and follow Christ. M. 2. 19; Mk. 2. 16.
Luke 18:24-30. 3. Salvation possible with God - leaving all, more now and eternal life. M. 2. 19; Mk. 2. 10.
Last scene begins.
Luke 18:31-34. 3. Son of man REJECTED - has His place in resurrection. M. 2. 20; Mk. 2. 17.
Matt. 20:30-34. 3. Blind man going out of Jericho, Son of David. Mk. 4. 5; L. 4. 5.
Mark 10:46-52. 3. Blind man healed going out of Jericho, Son of David. M. 4. 5; L. 4. 5.
Luke 18:35-43. 3. Blind man near Jericho healed - Son of David. M. 4. 5; Mk. 4. 5.
Matt. 21:1-11. 3. Rides into Jerusalem on the ass's colt. Mk. 4. 6; L. 4. 8.
Mark 11:1-11. 3. Rides into Jerusalem on ass's colt - (looks round). M. 4. 6; L. 4. 8.
Luke 19:1-10. 0. History of Zacchaeus.
Matt. 21:12-16. 3. (Cleanses temple) (introduced not necessarily in order). Mk. 4. 8; L. 4. 9.
Mark 11:12-14. 1, 2. On the morrow curses fig-tree. M. 4. 8.
Luke 19:11-27. 0. Parable of nobleman gone to receive a Kingdom leaving ten pounds to ten servants, message after him, will judge His enemies.
Matt. 21:17-22. 1, 2. Next morning curses fig-tree, faith can do everything. Mk. 4. 7, 8.
Mark 11:15, 26. 3. Cleanses temple. 1, 2. Fig-tree withered - faith can do everything - praying with forgiveness. M. 4. 7; L. 4. 9.
Luke 19:28-44. 3. Rides into Jerusalem on ass's colt. 0. Weeps over city, will not stop children. M. 4. 6; Mk. 4. 6.
Matt. 21:23-27. 3. On question of authority, Baptism of John, whence? Mk. 4. 9; L. 4. 10.
Mark 11:27-33. 3. On question of authority. Baptism of John, whence?
Luke 19:45-48. 3. Cleanses temple. M. 4. 7; Mk. 4. 8.
Matt. 21:28-46. 0. Sons sent into vineyard, 3. Fruit sought from husbandmen, destroys them. Mk. 4. 10; L. 4. 11.
Mark 12:1-12. 3. Fruit sought from husbandmen. M. 4. 10; L. 4. 11.
Luke 20:1-8. 3. On question of whence authority, Baptism of John, whence? M. 4. 9; Mk. 4. 9.
Matt. 22:1-14. 1, 3. Marriage for the King's Son (invited in from highways). L. 3. 16.
Mark 12:13-27. 3. Herodians and Pharisees as to tribute - Sadducees, resurrection.
Luke 20:9-18. 3. Fruit sought from husbandmen. M. 4. 10; Mk. 4. 10.
Matt. 22:15-40. 3. Herodians and Pharisees as to tribute - Sadducees, resurrection - Mk. 4. 11; L. 4. 12. 1, 2. Great commandments of law. Mk. 4. 12.
Mark 12:28-34. 1, 2. Great commandments of the law. M. 4. 12.
Luke 20:19-40. 3. Spies as to tribute to deliver Him to Governor - Sadducees as to resurrection. M. 4. 12; Mk. 4. 11.
Matt. 22:41-46. 3. How is Christ David's Son? Mk. 4. 13; L. 4. 13.
Mark 12:35-37. 3. How is Christ David's son? M. 4. 13; L. 4. 13.
Luke 20:41-44. 3. How is Christ David's son? M. 4. 13; Mk. 4. 13.
Matt. 23:1-33. 0. Disciples to mind scribes in Moses' chair, 1, 2. But woe to these Pharisees. Mk. 4. 14.
Mark 12:38-44. 3. Beware of scribes. 2, 3. Widows' mite true charity. M. 4. 14 (different) L. 4. 14.
Luke 20:45-47. 2, 3. Beware of scribes - widow's mite (21:1, 4.) Mk. 4. 14 (Matt. different).
Matt. 23:34-39. 0. Such to be sent - O Jerusalem, Jerusalem - all blood on that generation.
Mark 13. 3. Jews - witness and judgment - Christ appears - watch. M. 4. 16; L. 4. 15.
Luke 21:5-38. 3. Jews - witness, Jerusalem surrounded, given up to Gentiles till, end of age, Christ appears, watch. M. 4. 16; Mk. 4. 15.
Matt. 24, 25. 3. Jews - witness and judgment - Christ appears - watch. Mk. 1. 15; L. 4. 15. 0. Church - servants, virgins, talents - Gentiles - sheep & goats.
Mark 14:1-2. 3. After two days Passover - priests consult. M. 4. 18; L. 4. 16.
Luke 22:1-6. 3. Passover near, priests consult, Judas goes to them. M. 4. 18; Mk. 4. 16.
Mark 14:3, 11. 1, 2. Woman anoints Him - Judas covenants to betray. M. 4. 19.
Luke 22:7-30. 3. Eats passover, who greatest? - M. 4. 20; Mk. 4. 18. 1, 3. But to sit on thrones judging twelve tribes of Israel. M. 2. 10.
Matt. 26:1-5. 3. After two days passover, Son of man betrayed, priests consult. Mk. 4. 16; L. 4. 16.
Mark 14:12-52. 3. Eats Passover, Peter's confidence, Gethsemane. M. 4. 20; L. 4. 17.
Luke 22:31-38. 0. Satan would sift, 3. Peter's confidence, to shift for themselves now without Him. M. 4. 20; Mk. 4. 18.
Matt. 26:6-16. 1, 2. Woman anoints Him - Mk. 4. 17. 3. Judas covenants to betray. Mk. 4. 17; L. 4. 16.
Mark 14:53-72. 3. Before Caiaphas, etc. - Peter's denial. M. 4. 21; L. 4. 19.
Luke 22:39-71. 3. Gethsemane, High Priest's house, Peter's denial. M. 4. 20, 21; Mk. 4. 18, 19.
Matt. 26:17-56. 3. Eats Passover - Peter's confidence - Gethsemane. Mk. 4. 18; L. 4. 17; L. 4. 18, 19.
Mark 15:1-15. 3. Brought before Pilate - given up on Jews' demand. M. 4. 22; L. 4. 20.
Luke 13:1-25. 3. Brought before Pilate, Herod, Pilate, given up to Jews. M. 4. 22; Mk. 4. 20.
Matt. 26:57-75. 3. Before Caiaphas - Peter's denial of Him - wept. Mk. 4. 19; L. 4. 19.
Mark 15:16-41. 3. Crucified - veil rent - Centurion, women there. M. 5. 1; L. 4. 21.
Luke 23:26-49. 3. Let out and crucified between malefactors (one repents) women. M. 5. 1; Mk. 4. 21.
Matt. 27:1-26. 3. Brought before Pilate, Judas brings back money - Potters' field - Jesus before Governor - given up on Jews' demand. Mk. 4. 20; L. 4. 20.
Mark 15:42-47. 3. Joseph places Him in the tomb - day of preparation. M. 5. 2; L. 4. 22.
Luke 23:50-56. 3. Joseph places Him in tomb, day of preparation. M. 5. 2; Mk. 4. 22.
Table 5
Matt. 27:27-56. 3. He is crucified. Mk. 4. 21; L. 4. 21. 1, 2. The veil rent. Mk. 4. 21 0. Graves opened - Centurion - women there.
Mark 15:47. 3. Women at sepulcher. M. 5. 2, 6; L. 5. 1.
Luke 23:55-56. 3. Women at sepulcher to behold. M. 5. 2, 6; Mk. 5. 1.
Matt. 27:57-61. 3. Joseph places His body in tomb - women at sepulcher. Mk. 4. 22; L. 4. 22; Mk. 5. 1; L. 5. 1.
Mark 16:1. 1, 2. Sabbath past, women come to see sepulcher. M. 5. 2.
Luke 24:1-3. 2, 3. First day of week, come to sepulcher very early (stone rolled away). Mk. 5. 3.
Matt. 27:62-66. 0. Day after preparation - priests place a guard.
Mark 16:2-4. 2, 3. Early in morning come to see sepulcher, at rising of sun, see stone rolled away. L. 5. 2.
Luke 24:4-8. 3. Angels tell women He is risen as He said. M. 5. 6; Mk. 5. 4.
Matt. 28:1. 1, 2. Close of Sabbath, Women come to Sepulcher. Mk. 5. 2.
Mark 16:5, 7. 3. Women reassured by angels, to say He was going into Galilee. M. 5. 6; L. 5. 3.
Luke 24:9-12. 3. They return, tell disciples, Peter goes and departs wondering. M. 5. 7; Mk. 5. 5.
Matt. 28:2-3. 0. Earthquake, Angel rolls back the stone.
Mark 16:8. 3. Flee from sepulcher. M. 5. 7; L. 5. 4.
Luke 24:13-35. 3. Interview with two going to Emmaus, opens Scripture, they return and find eleven. Mk. 5. 7.
Matt. 28:4-7. 0. The guards tremble - 3. Women reassured - Jesus going into Galilee. Mk. 5. 4; L. 5. 3.
Mark 16:9-11. 0. Jesus appears first to Mary Magdalene, she tells disciples. (See John's Gospel.)
Luke 24:36-43. 2, 3. Jesus appears in their midst and eats. Mk. 5. 7.
Matt. 28:8. 3. Go to tell His disciples. Mk. 5. 5; L. 5. 4.
Mark 16:12-14. 2, 3. Appears to two going into the country, to eleven at meat. L. 5. 6, 5.
Luke 24:44-45. 0. Explains Scriptures and opens their understandings.
Matt. 28:9-10. 0. Jesus meets the women, they are to say they would meet Him in Galilee where they were to go.
Mark 16:15-18. 0. Sends them all into the world to preach to every creature.
Luke 24:46-48. 0. How repentance and remission of sins was to be preached, beginning at Jerusalem.
Matt. 28:11-15. 0. Guards take money to say He was stolen.
Mark 16:19. 2, 3. The Lord received up into heaven. L. 5. 10.
Luke 24:49. 0. To tarry in Jerusalem for power.
Matt. 28:16-18. 0. Disciples go into Galilee.
Mark 16:20. 0. They go and preach everywhere, the Lord working with them.
Luke 24:50-51. 2, 3. Leads them to Bethany, while blessing them taken up to heaven. Mk. 5. 9.
Matt. 28:19-20. 0. Mission founded on all power in heaven and earth given to them ( no ascension near Jerusalem).
Luke 24:52-53. 0. They worship, return to Jerusalem with joy, continually in Temple.