Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(rests). Last Israelite encampment before Sinai (Ex. 17:1,8-16; 19:2).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
Place near Horeb, where the Israelites encamped; water gushed from the rock when Moses had smitten it, and there Joshua fought with Amalek, while Moses lifted up his hands to heaven, assisted by Aaron and Hur (Ex. 17:1,8; Ex. 19:2; Num. 33:14-15). Not identified.
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
plural of the masculine of the same as 7507; ballusters; Rephidim, a place in the Desert
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
supports: shrinking of hands
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Beds; places of rest; balusters:―an Israelite encampment, Exod. 17:1. {Strata}