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Perhaps you have been a little surprised sometimes at the very earnest way in which someone may have spoken to you about your soul. Perhaps your Sunday school teacher has been so very eager to see you accept the Lord as your Saviour, or perhaps you wish your own father or mother would not speak so often of the need of being saved. But I am very sure that you would not be at all surprised about these things if you only knew somhing of what it means to be lost.
You might have been surprised if you had been at a gospel meeting in the city of Boston some years ago. The one who gave the message was certainly in earnest, and his tears mingled freely with his message as he urged the souls in the audience to turn to the Lord Jesus for salvation. At the close of the meeting, an old sea captain rose from his seat and walked to the front and began this solemn message.
“Some years ago, we were sailing along through the waters of the Caribbean Sea, when all at once the cry ran through the ship, ‘Man overboard.’
“When I heard the shout, I was at the stern of the ship. At once I looked down and saw the poor man struggling in the water. Immediately I threw down a rope which landed right by him. As quick as lightning, he grasped it and held on, while the great ship was slowed down, and a boat was lowered to bring him back on deck. In a very short time, he was safe on board, but he was still holding the rope! Indeed we actually had to pry his fingers loose from their hold, and then we found the fibres of the rope imbedded in the flesh of his hands.”
The old speaker paused for a moment, and then went on to plead with the souls there, not to let slip their opportunity of salvation. I am sure that you would be very much in earnest if your present condition was anything like the sailor who fell into the sea. And yet your peril is worse if you are not saved as you read this paper. Do not lien to the whispers of the enemy who would tell you to wait till you are older.
“Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may king forth.” Proverbs 27:1.
ML 06/10/1956