Resting in Jesus

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 3
It is man's need that brings him to God, and Jesus is the One given of God on purpose to meet the case of each needy heart on—purpose to meet your case, if you are in need.
God wants the needy heart just to turn to Him, and have its need met; not only does it have its need met, but the moment when the heart meets Jesus is a moment of deepest, richest blessing for time and for eternity.
It is a real thing to meet Christ, to know Christ. Have you met Him? Do you know Him? Can you say, "Oh yes, I have met Him, and there is no one I know—no one I trust—like Him; no one I am on such intimate terms with as Jesus"? Each heart that knows Him would say that.
The heart that has not met Jesus has no rest. No doubt you have tried to find rest—tried to find it in good works, in pleasure, in many things. But it is all of no use; there is no rest for the human heart till it gets to Jesus, and His rest is perfect, and lasts forever. When He takes up your case it is an entire cure.
If He has picked me up and saved me, it is for time and for eternity. If He has pardoned me (and He has), it is once and forever. His pardon can never be canceled. The Lord give you to know the sweetness of resting in Jesus!
"Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." Matt. 11:28, 29, 30.
"Jesus! I rest in Thee
In Thee myself I hide;
Laden with guilt and misery,
Where can I rest beside?
'Tis on Thy meek and lowly breast
My weary soul alone can rest.
"Thou Holy One of God!
The Father rests in Thee,
And in the value of that blood
Which speaks to Him for me;
The curse is gone—through Thee I'm blest;
God rests in Thee—in Thee I rest.
"Soon the bright glorious day,
The rest of God, shall come!
Sorrow and sin shall pass away,
And I shall reach my home.
Then, of the promised land possessed,
My soul shall know eternal rest."