IN SOME parts of India, stones are often put by the roadside on which people can rest their burdens, which in that country often have to be carried long distances. A missionary one day saw some poor Hindus resting by the roadside, all of them having heavy loads to carry. He asked them if they had any other burdens.
One said, Yes, he had; the taxes were a heavy burden to him. Another said his wife and children were a burden to him; he often did not know how to get enough food for them.
The missionary told them of the burden of sin, which each of them had, though they could not see it. He also told them of the Saviour who invited them to bring to Him that burden.
Several months afterward a man sent to ask the missionary to speak to him. At first the missionary did not recognize him, but he found he was one of the men he had spoken to by the roadside. This poor Hindoo had discovered that he was carrying the burden of sin, and he wanted to hear more of the Saviour, of whom he had also heard. In various ways of his own he had tried to get rid of his burden, but all had failed. Soon he took it to Jesus, and then, freed from his load, he joyfully “followed Jesus in the way.”
It was not long before some of his dusky countrymen came to him, wanting to know about his new religion, and he had the joy of telling them of the Saviour, who, as he did to the blind man in Mark 10:46-52, first “called” him, then “made him whole,” and whom he was now following.
This Hindoo rested his burden on the Rock of Ages. The Lord Jesus is spoken of in 1 Peter 2:6 as the chief corner Stone and “he that believeth on Him shall not be confounded.” In Isaiah it was prophesied that the Lord Jesus would be “as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.”
Jesus invites the weary and burdened, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28.
Why ‘neath the load of your sins do ye toil?
Christ giveth rest.
Why be in slavery, why Satan’s spoil?
You may be blest.
Christ now invites you sweet rest to receive,
Heavy’s your burden, but He can relieve,
If but this moment in Him you believe,
You shall have rest.
Why go ye onward, so weary and worn?
Christ giveth rest.
Why are ye hopelessly sad and forlorn?
You may be blest.
Jesus the burden did bear on the tree,
He was afflicted for sinners like thee;
If you there Christ as your Substitute see,
You shall have rest.