Returned Properties

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 7
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Wouldn’t it be exciting to get a very important-looking letter in the mail telling you that your family owns over 200 different pieces of property? And to make it even more exciting, these properties included over two dozen castles and palaces, and some businesses besides! Wouldn’t it be wonderful? Even overwhelming maybe?
It really happened! William Lobkowicz received that important letter several years ago. The letter stated that his family’s name was on the properties’ titles, and to claim them he only had to prove his identity.
It wasn’t a total surprise to William, because he knew that his family had been Czech royalty since about the 1300s. He had heard about these castles in the country of Czechoslovakia and how beautiful and richly furnished they had been. One castle was built on a cliff overlooking the Elbe River, just like you might read about in a storybook. Others had beautiful architecture and had been filled with art masterpieces and other treasures. Once, as a boy, he had even gotten to visit some of them.
So why couldn’t he just enjoy his possessions if they were his? In 1948 Czechoslovakia was taken over by an enemy who took away everyone’s properties and businesses, and sometimes even the owners’ lives. William’s grandfather barely escaped out of the country. The only possessions he took with him were the clothes he was wearing. He lost everything! But in 1990 the enemy government was overthrown, and the new government was willing to give everyone’s property back. So they tracked down William and sent him the letter.
What condition do you think these properties were in when they were returned to William? If you guessed that they were run-down and needed repairs, you are right! When William was finally able to take possession of his castles, businesses and other properties, he found that nearly everything of value had been stolen. He also found that some of the roofs were falling in, and everything was going to need a lot of repair to be usable. William is presently fixing up his castles and businesses for tourist attractions.
I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did. Do you know what it reminds me of  ? When Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions.  .  .  .  I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). Heaven is going to be a wonderful place! The Lord Jesus is there right now and has it all ready. The Apostle Peter tells us more about it. He says there is “an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you” (1 Peter 1:4). That means our inheritance up there can’t tarnish or rot or fall apart. Luke 12:33 tells us that it is “a treasure  .  .  .  where no thief [can come].” No one can steal any of the treasure out of heaven. What a wonderful place to live! It is much, much better than William’s castles and palaces will be after they are all fixed up.
BUT, does heaven have your name on the title? Heaven’s title is called the “Book of Life.” You can only claim heaven for yourself and live there if your name is written in that book. Is your name there? If not, it can be.
To have your name written in God’s “Book of Life” you must become one of His children. He already loves you very much and sent His Son, Christ Jesus, to die on Calvary’s cross for you. You become a child of God when you tell Him that you are a sinner and need a Saviour and truly believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins. He will forgive you and write your name in His “Book of Life.” From that very moment there is a place in heaven reserved for you.
I’m sure William didn’t waste any time proving his identity so he could claim the castles and properties as his own. But what about you? Have you come into God’s family so that you can truly say that God is your Father and claim heaven as your future home?
“Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God” (1 John 3:1).
“As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12).