IT was in the deep sense of His rejection, yet rejoicing in spirit, that the Lord Jesus uttered those memorable words addressed to his Father in heaven: “I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth; because Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.
Even so, Father; for so it seemed good in Thy sight " (compare Matt. 11:25, 26; MAT 11:25-26Luke 10:21, 22 LUK 10:21-22).
And elsewhere Holy Scripture insists on the necessity of the gospel being received in child-like simplicity of faith. In this fact we find the reason why many worldly wise people fail to obtain such blessings as forgiveness of sins and eternal life, while numbers of children, and other persons of small natural intelligence, hearing the good news of salvation, believe it, pass at once from death into life, and become heirs of the righteousness which is by faith, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.
A striking illustration of the truth above expressed is presented in the following touching story, which was related to me by a native of Lancashire, where the incidents occurred.
A little girl, the daughter of drunken and in other respects vicious parents, was permitted from infancy to run the streets, uncared for and untaught. In one of her daily rambles the neglected child fell upon an upturned gutter grating, and badly hurt her cheek. On returning to what was no more than the mockery of a home the poor child was still crying with pain; but nobody took any notice of its cause.
After some time, however, it was observed that there was a hole in her cheek through which she could put her finger into her mouth.
The poor child was then hurried off to a hospital, where she was detained, and put to bed.
The surgeon discovered that gangrene had set in, and that it was rapidly spreading to other parts of the face. Soon indeed one eye and a portion of the face were eaten away by the dreadful disease.
The little sufferer was visited in the hospital by an elder sister, and in conversation was asked if she would like to get well, and go home again. "No!" replied the child, firmly; "I do not want to go home." And then, pointing upward, and with her one eye gazing intently that way, she added, "I AM. GOING HOME TO JESUS!”
In the neighborhood of her parents' abode was a mission-room, to which the little one had been taken by another sister. There she had heard "the old, old story" of the love of God, shown so wondrously in the gift of His Son to die for sinners, in order that, all sins forgiven, because atoned for, they might be with Him forever in His home of glory.
This child of five (truly only a babe), who had not known a real home on earth, drank in by faith the precious truth; and now, with an assurance to which multitudes of elder and wiser persons are utter strangers, she could rejoice on a bed of suffering in the immediate and glorious prospect of going to be in a heavenly home with Him, the story of whose divine and holy love had won her childish heart.
If such a prospect is yours, dear reader, you are incalculably happy. If not, you are beyond expression miserable. But in the gospel a portion in heavenly glory is offered to you, and to be assured of having that portion only requires that you believe in Him whom the gospel proclaims as the Saviour of sinners.
Through Him is preached to you the forgiveness of sins, and justification from all things, from which you could not be justified by the works of the law. Salvation is not by human works, or a babe could not have it. It is not 'of works, lest any man should boast. It is of FAITH, that it might be by GRACE. “The WAGES of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." Dear reader, HEAR, BELIEVE, and LIVE!