Anger is spoken of in two ways in Scripture the one a wrong fleshly response and the other a right and righteous reaction to sin.
In Cain (Gen. 4:6) and Esau (Gen. 27:41) we see fleshly anger resulting from envy and jealousy. Both Moses (Num. 20:10-11) and Jonah (Jonah 4:1) became impatient, which in turn caused them to become angry. Naaman’s anger (2 Kings 5:11) was caused by pride, while Asa (2 Chron. 16:10) and Uzziah (2 Chron. 26:19) were angered because of their own troubled consciences.
What sad, tragic consequences resulted from these fleshly displays of anger! The treatment, by man, of the Lord Jesus is the supreme example of such results. Envy, hatred and disbelief caused wicked men to murder the only perfect, spotless man who ever walked through this world!
Romans 12:19 and Matthew 5:22 forbid such anger. It is a characteristic of the flesh (Gal. 5:20) and of fools (Prov. 12:16; 27:3). It brings its own punishment (Job 5:2; Prov. 19:19) and bad words often stir it up (2 Sam. 19:43).
Ephesians 4:26 exhorts us to “be ye angry, and sin not” do not treasure up anger and malice in the heart. The Lord Jesus gives a perfect example of righteous anger in Mark 3:5. He was angry, “being grieved for the hardness of their hearts.” Desire for God’s glory is the foundation of righteous anger.
The Young Christian (adapted)