Right or Left

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HAPPY little children, with no thought of care; and the oldest one of the number has evidently thought it her duty to amuse or entertain all the little ones, so the youngest one has been given the first chance to find out in which hand she holds the apple, and if she guesses rightly the apple will be hers. That is a very easy way to get the apple, but it is possible she may miss it, then someone else would have the opportunity and that one might get it.
It is a good thing that God did not offer us eternal life in that way—just if we guessed rightly—for if we missed it we would have missed the most important thing in our life, and we could not be blamed for it, but if we miss eternal life on the ground that God has offered it to us, which is simply by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we certainly are to be blamed for it, for it is our duty to believe what God’s Word has given us, so the word is, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36.
Let us not forget that if we do not believe, we shall perish, and if we perish, we can only blame ourselves, for all we needed to do was to believe in that blessed Saviour whom God had provided for us all.
Which have you done, dear young reader?
ML 01/29/1922