Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
Concubine of Saul, and the mother who watched over the remains of her slain sons
(Sam. 3:7; 21:8-11).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
Concubine of Saul, whose two sons Armoni and Mephibosheth were given up by David to avenge the deeds of Saul against the Gibeonites. They, with the five sons of Michal, or Michal’s sister, were hanged up before the Lord. Rizpah protected the bodies from the birds and the beasts day and night, until David had their remains interred (2 Sam. 3:7; 2 Sam. 21:8-12).
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
the same as 7531; Ritspah, an Israelitess
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
pavement: glowing
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Burning coal; a hot stone; heat; beat:―concubine of Saul, 2 Sam. 3:7. {Pruna ardens}