When we travel on the highways, it is interesting and also important to watch the road signs. They are placed there to help us, and they are meant to be obeyed. Many times we would be in serious trouble if we did not obey the road signs.
God’s Word, the Bible, is something like road signs. It is there to guide us each day. Do you read the Bible? Do you believe it? Just like missing one road sign can cause real problems, not paying attention to God’s Word will also give us serious problems.
Have you ever seen a sign that said “IMPORTANT INTERSECTION”? We usually think of all intersections on roadways as places to be extra careful, but this one was especially important. There is one “intersection” in life that could be marked “Important Intersection.” It’s the intersection of the way to heaven or hell. Perhaps this little paper has brought you to that intersection. “Broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction [hell] . . . narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life [heaven].” Matthew 7:13,14. Which road are you on? The Lord Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” John 14:6. The only way you can get onto the “road” to heaven is by accepting Him as your Saviour. Have you done that?
In the mountains, the sign “CHAIN-UP AREA AHEAD” is often seen. When the roads are icy in winter, you are supposed to pull over right there and put chains on your tires. That would be a bad sign for you if you didn’t have any chains for your car. Someone had warned us about that sign, so we were prepared and had brought chains along with us. God wants to prepare us for all the difficult things we will come across in our lives, so He has given us His Word. But, are you reading it? Have you memorized verses so you are prepared when the bad times come? We are told to “study” the Bible in 2 Timothy 2:15, and that’s a good plan for every boy and girl.
If you saw a sign that said “DON’T EVEN THINK OF PARKING HERE” you certainly would be foolish to disobey it. That sign on a street going up a very steep hill would certainly be a clear warning. God gives each of us who are Christians some very clear warnings too. In 2 Timothy 2:22 we are told to flee youthful lusts - to run away from things that would cause us to sin. “Don’t even think of parking here.” A little Sunday school song we often sing says, “Yield not to temptation.” That means, don’t give in to things that are wrong. That is something we need to ask the Lord Jesus for help in doing each day.
Another sign that we have noticed several times is “ROADSIDE TURNOUT.” Sometimes it was a place to stop for a good view of the countryside. Sometimes it was a place where there was a trash barrel, or even just a place to pull out of traffic. This is a sad sign when we think of some children. They accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour and so are saved, but they just got tired of following Him - they have turned out of the way. They stopped coming to Sunday school and even stopped reading their Bible and praying. Each of us should make this little song our prayer:
Ask the Saviour to help you,
Comfort, strengthen and keep you;
He is willing to aid you,
He will carry you through.