Robert in the Snowdrift.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 4min
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ROBERT was an energetic, lively boy of about fourteen years old, and like most boys, and girls too, was self-willed and fond of having his own way.
It was winter time, and a great deal of snow was on the ground, and there were deep drifts in some places. He was told to keep to the road at the bottom of the hill which was well beaten, and was more safe, but instead of doing so, he took a pathway higher up on the hillside. He thought he would be all right, and perhaps anticipated some little adventure. How easy it is for boys and girls to turn out of the right pathway, and do what they are told not to do.
“Children, obey your parents,” says the Word of God. Can you find that text in your Testament?
Well, when Robert had gone some distance along this forbidden pathway, he suddenly, without any warning, fell right into a thick snowdrift. He had gone off the path without knowing it, a blinding snow-storm having come on. Do you not think he would wish he had kept to the proper road, as he was told at the first? There he was all alone far away from any house, no one near to hear his cry for help. He struggled in the drift, and tried to fight his way out of it, but could not do so. He did not despair, however, but tried again and again to regain the pathway, yet all his efforts to get out were in vain.
But what was that which startled him so? The bark of a dog close by him, yet above him. He heard the dog barking, though he could not see it; but soon a big man appeared, and called out, “Who is there?”
Robert answered, “Me— a boy.”
The man went near to him, and, reaching out a long pole, with some little effort pulled young Robert out of his bed of snow, and without asking him a single question, lifted him up on his shoulder, like the good shepherd did the poor, lost sheep in the fifteenth chapter of Luke, and carried him right away to his home. There this good man placed him before the bright, warm fire, gave him some hot milk to drink, and some food to eat, and Robert soon recovered from the effects of his dangerous adventure in the snow.
After a good rest, and under the kind man’s guidance, he set off again on his journey—this time on the right road—and at last arrived safely at his destination.
Now, what does the story of this boy remind you of, dear children? When I first heard it I thought Robert in the snowdrift was just like what we all are in God’s sight. You know what that is, do you not? Lost and unable to save ourselves, for we are all lost, and in danger of perishing. But Jesus came to die for sinners, that we might have life in Him, and be made fit to be with Him in heavenly glory.
Do you love Jesus? Has He saved you?
If you get your Bible, and find the tenth chapter of the gospel of Luke, you can there read of the “certain Samaritan,” who, when he found the poor man that had been nearly killed by the robbers on the roadside, attended to his needs, and took him to a place where he would be cared for, just like the kindhearted man did to Robert.
Do you see, dear children, that you need salvation, and that God loves you, and that Jesus died to save you? I hope you will all learn to love and trust in Jesus, who loves you so much, and that you will be able to say that the Lord Jesus has washed all your sins away in His own precious blood.
“Redeemed . . . . with the precious blood of Christ.” 1 Peter 1:18, 19.
“The blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
ML 01/27/1918