Romans 5: January 2007

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
In this chapter, the blessed results of justification are unfolded. What believers possess and enjoy are shown in the opening verses. It is a grand thing now to have peace with the God against whom we had sinned. When the Lord Jesus rose from the dead, He said to His disciples, “Peace be unto you.” After showing them His hands and His side, He again said, “Peace be unto you.” Not only has He given us peace as to the sin question, but He has given to us the Holy Spirit as a Comforter (John 14:16) while we are in this world. Another thing that the Holy Spirit does for us is to shed abroad the love of God in our hearts. Now we love the very God whom we hated before. What a change takes place in the life of a believer! Do you think we earned God’s favor? Did not man reject and crucify His only Son? True, but such is God’s love, that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Who would not be commended for such love as this?
We cannot blame others for all the misery in this world. Each one of us was born with a fallen, sinful nature. The only person who was holy is the Lord Jesus, so death had no claim upon Him, as it has upon us, who are sinners by nature and by practice. That is why death will claim every one of us, if the Lord does not return soon.
It was not the obedient life of Christ which makes us righteous, but His obedience in the death of the cross. In this sad world, where sin abounded, grace did much more abound. For this blessed fact, we will praise God forever!
1. How can we have ____________ with God through our Lord Jesus Christ? Romans 5:___
2. How is the ____________ of God shed abroad in our hearts?
Romans 5:___
3. What was our condition when God ____________ His love toward us?
4. If sin entered into the world by one man, why has ____________ passed upon all men? Romans 5:___
5. Although sin ____________ , what has much more abounded?
Romans 5:___