Rosa's Prayer

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
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A BEAUTIFUL and true story is told of a little Prussian girl named Rosa. She lived with her mother in a little cottage, and they were very poor in this world's goods. One day she was sitting by her mother's bedside, singing a pretty hymn, when the door opened, and several tall soldiers walked in. Rosa was so terrified at the sight of them, that she almost fainted; but when she saw that they did not mean to hurt her, she calmed herself, and raising her eyes to heaven, she prayed―"Lord, make these soldiers kind to my dear mother, and to me, and bid them go to some other house to get food, for Thou knowest that we are very poor." This was a strange prayer you may think, but it was the desire of a simple child, a believer in the Lord Jesus, who knew God as her Father, and believed He could help in their hour of need. One of the soldiers patted her head, and in a kindly tone asked―"Who taught you to pray, my little girl?" "Jesus," was the simple answer. Brushing a tear from his eye, the tall soldier dropped a piece of money into her hand, and said, as he and his comrades walked quietly away―"Here is something for your mother, and please do not forget to pray for us." The door closed, and Rosa ran to her mother's side, overjoyed that God had heard and answered her prayer so speedily.
Dear children, God does hear prayer. If you are saved, and can call God your Father, go to Him with your every trouble, He delights to hear your cry. But if you are yet unsaved, you cannot pray to God as His child. You need first to be born into His family. Do you know how this may be? Hear what His Word says―"Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God" (1 John 5:1).