Memory Verse: “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12
Ryan was in his backyard playing in the sandbox that his daddy had built for him. It was a warm fall day, and the leaves were just beginning to turn different colors. Ryan’s brother and two sisters had gone back to school. Ryan was only four years old, so he could not go to school for another year.
While he built roads and tunnels in the sand, Ryan remembered the big sand castles they had built at the beach that summer. There sure was a lot more sand at the beach than in his little sandbox. He did not think the beach was very far away, because it did not take them long to get there in the car. In fact, he thought he remembered the way to the beach.
As Ryan thought about it he decided that he would take a walk to the beach to play in the sand. Carrying his bucket and shovel, he started down the sidewalk.
What he did not know was that the ocean was five miles away. It took Ryan quite a while to pass by all the houses in his neighborhood. Then he came to the shopping center with all its interesting stores. Each store window was different, and he almost forgot that he was going to the beach.
Ryan was taking a little trip that he could never finish. Besides being too far away for a four-year-old to walk, there were dangers along the way because of cars and trucks and other things to be careful of. And then there were interesting things that distracted him and made it hard to keep going.
Ryan’s trying to walk to the beach without knowing the way or how far it was makes us think of the verse which says, “broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction.” Matthew 7:13. The Lord Jesus Christ warns those that were with Him that the road that leads to eternal destruction (hell) is very easy to find and travel on. However, the people on this road do not realize what waits at its end. Their eyes have been blinded by Satan, or he has distracted them along the way. You are also on that “broad road” if you have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour. He is the only One who can open your eyes so that you will see what waits at the end of the “broad road.” He has also provided a way of escape. He has opened the way for all to escape to the “narrow... way, which leadeth unto life.” Matthew 7:14. On the cross He was punished for the sins of all who would believe Him and accept Him as their Saviour. His blood shed there will cleanse all who come to Him. Won’t you take His offer of love and mercy right now and escape to the road that “leadeth unto life?”
Ryan finally reached the edge of town, tired but still looking for the ocean. Meanwhile, his mother had called the police when she missed Ryan and then could not find him. All of the police cars in their town had been alerted to be watching for Ryan.
Ryan soon came upon some sand: piles of sand, right beside the road. But it was not the ocean; it was a quarry where they dig sand. There Ryan found lots of sand to play in.
Are you so happy, so content with your life now that you are not worried about what is ahead? Ryan only cared that he had found a big pile of sand to play in. What is your “pile of sand"? It could be anything that is keeping you from thinking about God and eternity. Each of us has a soul, that part of us which will never die but will spend eternity either in heaven or hell. If you accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, He will take you to heaven one day soon. But if you reject Him, you will have to be punished for your own sins in that awful place called hell. The choice is yours.
As the afternoon shadows got longer Ryan started to get cold. He decided that maybe he had better go back home. Standing up, he looked around. There was no one around, and he did not know which way to go to get back home. He began to cry. How he wished someone would come take him home.
“Hello, Ryan,” said a man’s voice behind him. “Do you want to go home?”
Ryan turned around to see a smiling policeman. He nodded his head “yes,” and between sniffs he asked, “Do you know where I live?”
“Yes, Ryan, I do,” answered the policeman. “I know where you live, I know your mommy and daddy’s name, and I even knew what color clothes you are wearing today, even before I saw you. Here, let me carry your bucket and shovel,” he said, taking Ryan gently by the hand. “Have you ever ridden in a police car?”
“No, but I don’t want to go to jail,” cried Ryan, pulling back.
“Oh no, I won’t take you to jail,” assured the policeman kindly. “I’m going to take you back home where your mommy and daddy are waiting for you.”
There is Someone waiting for you to come home, too. God has sent His Son the Lord Jesus Christ to find you. He loves you so much that He sent His only Son to die so that sinners just like you and me can be saved. “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10. He is offering to save you and then He will guide you through your life. Ryan had the policeman to help him. You can have God’s presence with you all the time, if you will accept His Son as your own Saviour. Won’t you do it right now?
“The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.” 1 John 4:14.