
Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

Not an Egyptian cereal
“Spelt” is doubtless meant, it being a common Egyptian food (Ex. 9:32; Isa. 28:25). Same Hebrew word is rendered “Pitches” (Ezek. 4:9).
Courtesy of BibleTruthPublishers.com. Most likely this text has not been proofread. Any suggestions for spelling or punctuation corrections would be warmly received. Please email them to: BTPmail@bibletruthpublishers.com.

Concise Bible Dictionary:

See RIE.
Courtesy of BibleTruthPublishers.com. Most likely this text has not been proofread. Any suggestions for spelling or punctuation corrections would be warmly received. Please email them to: BTPmail@bibletruthpublishers.com.