Safe in the Nest

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WHAT a sweet; peaceful picture we have before us today! Some birdies making their soft, pretty nest which is hung in the branches of an old tree, and amid beautiful leaves. These little creatures have no thought of care, whether waking or sleeping. God is keeping them. He feeds them and He cares for them. He tells us in His word that, not a sparrow falls to the ground without His notice; and even more than that He tells us, “Not one of them is, forgotten before God?” Is not that beautiful—God’s care for the little birds?
But His care for His own dear people is greater still. He numbers even the hairs of our head. How this should speak to us of His wonderful care and love. He knows us altogether, and takes note of even the smallest thing. When we are sleeping His watchful eye is guarding us for tie never slumbers nor sleeps. When we sit down and when we rise up, He knows; He is acquainted with all our ways; yes, even with the words of our tongues before they are spoken. We can hide nothing from Him. The darkness and the light are alike to Him. He sees through everything; He knows all; but He watches over us only to do us good. There are many dangers and many snares about us, but the Lord’s protecting care is round about us. “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.” Psa. 34:7. When we go home to be with Jesus we will know how often He has preserved us, when we, perhaps, had no thought of danger. It is blessed to know His watchful, unceasing, loving care over us.
But when we look again at our picture and see the little birds making their comfortable nest, we think of the words of Jesus when He was here on earth, a homeless stranger. He said, “THE FOXES HAVE HOLES, AND THE BIRDS OF THE AIR HAVE NESTS; BUT THE SON OF MAN HATH NOT WHERE TO LAY HIS HEAD.” Matt. 8:20. . . Yes, Jesus trod a path of sorrow for us, down here, and then went to the cross and took the load of our sins upon Him, and suffered for them, that the strokes of God’s wrath for sin might never come upon us. And now He appears in God’s presence for us while He watches over us by day and by night. And soon He will call us up to share an eternity of joy with Him. He was a stranger without a home, here upon earth; out He has a very blessed home above, and we who love Him will soon, be with Him to enjoy all its happiness and its glories.
ML 09/04/1904