Safe Into the Harbour at Last

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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STANDING on the quayside of the Glasgow Harbor recently we saw a small foreign vessel arrive in port. Her whole appearance indicated that she had encountered many storms, and at times it had seemed as though she would never weather the gale—such a frail ship amid such mighty seas. But there she was, amid the placid waters, surrounded by vessels great and small, safe into the harbor at last! So, thought we, all who trust our Lord Jesus Christ, whether old or young, after a rough or a smooth voyage, shall land in the Harbor of Eternal Calm.
How different was the sight we saw on the south shore of Arran—a battered, bruised, and wrecked barque, hitched up on the rocks! Mistaking her course in the storm, she had run ashore and become a total wreck. So all who miss "the True Light" (John 1:9), the Lord Jesus Christ, miss the course to Eternal Glory, and will be eternally wrecked on Hell's dark shore.
Oh I will you neglect salvation and be a poor stranded wreck on the Eternal shore, or will you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and enter the peaceful Heavenly Harbor? Which shall it be? See that you make sure of Heaven. Hyp.