"I think I understand the gospel now, and believe it, yet I am not as happy as I expected."
"Why, friend, you are putting feelings first. Remember, it is not written, He that believeth, and is happy, shall be saved, but 'Whosoever believeth' shall be saved. The first thing is to know that you are safe; and when we know that we are safe in Jesus, then we can be happy.
"Suppose, now, that you were in debt, and quite worried about it, not being able to pay it, and I say, I am sorry to see you in this state, let us try to cheer you up by singing some cheerful hymn. Would you not reply, 'That will not do; you might make me happy, but they may still prosecute me unless the debt is paid'?
"What you want is to know that the debt is paid; when that is done, you are safe, and are sure to be happy, because safe. Has not Jesus paid the debt and met all claims against you? Is not God satisfied with the work of Christ on the cross? And if God is satisfied should not that satisfy you?
"Oh, trust in Christ, and do not trust in yourself. Take God at His word, and see yourself free from guilt and wrath, through what He did and suffered for you!"
"What must I, do to be saved?... Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:30, 31.
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." Proverbs 3:5.