Driven by storms in the Sea, a boat with five fishermen was overdue by several days, causing much anxiety to friends at home. At last they reached the harbor, and telegraphed to their families the words, "Safely Anchored.”
One of the men was unsaved, and in great distress of soul. While waiting for calmer weather he was led to the Savior, and wrote to his Christian wife, "Safely Anchored in Christ.”
Yes, that is what the sinner is, who flees to Christ for refuge. To him there is salvation, rest and peace. This is good anchorage. Can you say it is yours? There is no other, all else is shifting sand.
"That we might have a strong consolation, (in Christ), who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us; which we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast." Heb. 6:18, 19.