Saints in Caesar's Household

Table of Contents

1. Saints in Caesar’s Household

Saints in Caesar’s Household

Tho' vice, flagrant and unblushing,
Nero’s palace boldly trod,
In that vile court's baleful precincts
There were some who walked with God.

Like the few souls, who, in Sardis
Kept unspotted from the world,
So these Saints in Caesar's household
Held their stainless flag unfurled.

Trusting in their Savior's merits,
Leaning on their Savior's might,
They were proof against temptation
Now they walk with Him in white!

Lord, Thy power can keep Thy children
In the most unlikely place.
There is' no temptation sent them
Which is greater than Thy grace.
Kathleen Cooke