Sanctification: What Is It? Part 2

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We trust that no one will accuse us of entertaining a desire to lower the standard of personal holiness, or to weaken the soul's earnest aspirations after a growth in that purity, for which every true believer must ardently long. God forbid! If there is one thing above another which we desire to promote in ourselves and others, it is intense personal purity-an elevated tone of practical sanctity-a whole-hearted separation from moral evil, in every shape and form. For this we long, for this we pray, in this we desire to grow, daily and hourly.
But then we are fully convinced that a superstructure of true, practical holiness can never be erected on a legal basis; and hence it is that we press 1 Cor. 1:30 upon the attention of our readers. It is to be feared that many who have, in some measure, abandoned the legal ground, in the matter of "righteousness," are yet lingering thereon for " sanctification." We believe this to be the mistake of thousands, and we are most anxious to see it corrected. The passage before us would, if simply received into the heart by faith, entirely correct this serious mistake.
All intelligent Christians are agreed as to the fundamental truth of " Righteousness without works." All freely and fully admit that we cannot, by any efforts of our own, work out a righteousness for ourselves before God. But it is not just so clearly seen, that righteousness and sanctification are put upon precisely the same ground in the word of God. We can no more work out a sanctification than we can work out a righteousness. We may try it, but we shall, sooner or later, find out that it is utterly vain. We may vow and resolve; we may labor and struggle; we may cherish the fond hope of doing better tomorrow than we have done to-day; but, in the end, we must be constrained to see, and feel, and own, that, as regards the matter of sanctification, we are as completely " without strength " as we have already proved ourselves to be in the matter of righteousness.
And, oh! what sweet relief to the one who has been stumbling along the path of personal holiness to find, after years of unsuccessful struggle, that the very thing he longs-
for is treasured up in Christ, and is ready to his hand this moment, even a complete sanctification to be enjoyed by faith! Such an one may have been battling with his habits, his lusts, his tempers, his passions; he has been making the most laborious efforts to subdue his flesh and grow in inward holiness, but, alas! he has failed. He finds, to his deep sorrow, that he is not holy, and yet he reads that " Without holiness no man can see the Lord." (Heb. 12) Not, observe, without a certain measure, or attainment, in holiness; but without the thing itself; which every Christian has, from the moment he believes, whether he knows it or not. Perfect sanctification is as fully included in the word "salvation," as is " wisdom, righteousness, or redemption." He did not get Christ by effort, but by faith; and when he laid hold on Christ, he received all that is in Christ. Hence, therefore, he has only to look to Jesus by faith, for the subjugation of his lusts, passions, tempers, habits, circumstances, and influences. He must look to Jesus for all. He can no more subdue a single lust than he could cancel the entire catalog of his sins, work out a perfect righteousness, or raise the dead. " Christ is all and in all." Salvation is a golden chain which stretches from everlasting to everlasting, and every link of that chain is Christ. It is all Christ from first to last.
All this is as simple as possible. The believer's standing is in Christ, and if in Christ for one thing, he is in Christ for all. I am not in Christ for righteousness, and out of Christ for sanctification. If I am a debtor to Christ for righteousness, I am equally a debtor to Him for sanctification. I am not a debtor to legality for either the one or the other. I get both by grace, through faith, and all in Christ. Yes, all-all in Christ. The moment the sinner comes to Christ, and believes on Him, he i3 taken completely off the old ground of nature; he loses his old legal standing and all its belongings, and is looked at as in Christ. God only sees him in Christ, and as Christ. He becomes one with Christ forever. " As he is, so are we in this world." (1 John 4) Such is the absolute standing, the settled and eternal position, of the very feeblest babe in the family of God. There is but one standing for every child of God, every member of Christ. Their knowledge, experience, power, gift, and intelligence may vary; but their standing is one. Whatever of righteousness or sanctification, they possess, they owe it all to their being in Christ; consequently, if they have not gotten a perfect sanctification, neither have they gotten a perfect righteousness. But 1 Cor. 1:30 distinctly teaches, that Christ " is made " both the one and the other to all believers. It does not say that we have righteousness and "a measure of sanctification." We have just as much Scripture authority for putting the word " measure " before righteousness as before sanctification. The Spirit of God does not put it before either. Both are perfect, and we have both in Christ. God never does anything by halves. There is no such thing as a half justification. Neither is there such a thing as a half sanctification. The idea of a member of the family of God, or of the body of Christ, wholly justified,, but only half sanctified, is at once opposed to Scripture and revolting to all the sensibilities of the divine nature.
It is not improbable that very much of the misapprehension which prevails, in reference to sanctification, is justly traceable to the habit of confounding two things which differ very materially, namely, standing and walk, or position and condition. The believers standing is perfect,, eternal, unchangeable, divine. His walk is imperfect, fluctuating, and marked with personal infirmity. His position is absolute and unalterable. His practical condition may exhibit manifold imperfections, inasmuch as he is still in the body, and surrounded by various hostile influences, which affect his moral condition, from day to day. If, then, his standing be measured by his walk, his position by his condition, what he is in God's view by what he is in man's, the result must be false. If I reason from what I am in myself, instead of from what I am in Christ, I must, of necessity, arrive at a wrong conclusion.
We should look carefully to this. We are very much disposed to reason upwards from ourselves to God, instead of downwards from God to us. We should bear in mind that
" Far as heaven's resplendent orbs
Beyond earth's spot extend,
As far my thoughts, as far my ways,
Your ways and thoughts transcend."
God can only think and speak of his people, and act toward them, too, according to their standing in Christ. He has given them this standing. He has made them what they are. They are His workmanship. Hence, therefore, to speak of them as half justified would be a dishonor cast upon God; and to speak of them as half sanctified would be just the same.
This train of thought conducts us to another weighty proof, drawn from the authoritative and conclusive page of inspiration, namely, 1 Cor. 6:11. In the verses preceding, the apostle draws a fearful picture of fallen humanity, and he plainly tells the Corinthian saints that they had been just like that. " Such were some of you." This is plain dealing. There are no flattering words-no daubing with untempered mortar-no keeping back the full truth as to nature's total and irretrievable ruin. " Such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God."
What a striking contrast between the two sides of the apostle's " bat!" On the one side, we have all the moral degradation of man's condition; and, on the other side, we have all the absolute perfectness of the believer's standing before God. This, truly, is a marvelous contrast; and, be it remembered, that the soul passes, in the twinkling of an eye, from one side to the other of this " but." " Such were some of you: but ye are" now, something quite different. The moment in which they received Paul's gospel, they were " washed, sanctified, and justified." They were tit for heaven; and, had they not been so, it would have been a slur upon the divine workmanship.
" ' Clean every whit;' Thou saidst it, Lord;
Shall one suspicion lurk?
Thine, surely, is a faithful word,
And thine a finished work,"
This is divinely true. The most inexperienced believer is " clean every whit," not as a matter of attainment, but as the necessary result of being in Christ. " We are in him that is true." (1 John 5) Could any one be in Christ, and, at the same time, be only hair sanctified? Assuredly not. He will, no doubt, grow in the knowledge and experience of what sanctification really is. He will enter into its practical power; its moral effect upon his habits, thoughts,, feelings, affections, and associations; in a word, he will understand and exhibit the mighty influence of divine sanctification upon his entire course, conduct, and character. But, then, he was as completely sanctified, in God's view, the moment he became linked to Christ by faith, as he will be when he comes to bask in the sunlight of the divine presence, and reflect back the concentrated beams of glory emanating from the throne of God and of the Lamb. He is in Christ now, and he will be in Christ then. His sphere and his circumstances will differ. His feet shall stand upon the golden pavement of the upper sanctuary, instead of standing upon the arid sand of the desert. He will be in a body of glory instead of a body of humiliation; but, as to his standing, his acceptance, his completeness, his justification, and sanctification, all was settled the moment he believed on the name of the only-begotten Son of God- as settled as ever it will be, because as settled as God could make it. All this seems to flow as a necessary and unanswerable inference from 1 Cor. 6:11.
It is of the utmost importance to apprehend, with clearness, the distinction between a truth and the practical application and result of a truth. This distinction is ever maintained in the word of God. " Ye are sanctified." Here is the absolute truth as to the believer, as viewed in Christ, and as the fruit of an eternally-perfect work. " Christ loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify it." (Eph. 5:25, 26r) '; And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly." (1 Thess. 5:20.) Here we have the practical application of the truth to the believer, and its results in the believer.
But how is this application made, and this result reached? By the Holy Ghost, through the written word. Hence, we read, " sanctify them through thy truth." (John 17) And again, " God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth." (2 Thess. 2:13.) So also, in Peter, " Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit." (1 Pet. 1:2.) The Holy Ghost carries on the believer's practical sanctification on the ground of Christ's accomplished work; and the mode in which He does so is by applying to the heart and conscience the truth as it is in Jesus. He unfolds the truth as to our perfect standing before God in Christ, and, by energizing the new man in us, He enables us to put away everything incompatible with that perfect standing. A man who is " washed, sanctified, and justified," ought not to indulge in any unhallowed temper, lust, or passion. He should " cleanse himself from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit." It is his holy and happy privilege to breathe after the very loftiest heights of personal sanctity. His heart and his habits should be brought and held under the power of that grand truth that he is perfectly " washed, sanctified, and justified.''
This is true practical sanctification. It is not any attempt at the improvement of our old nature. It is not a vain effort to reconstruct an irretrievable ruin. No; it is simply the Holy Ghost, by the powerful application of "the truth" enabling the new man to live, and move, and have his being in that sphere to which he belongs. Here there will, undoubtedly, be progress. There will be growth in the moral power of this precious truth-growth in spiritual ability to subdue and keep under all that pertains to nature-a growing power of separation from the evil around us-a growing meetness for that heaven to which we belong, and toward which we are journeying-a growing capacity for the enjoyment of its holy exercises. All this there will be, through the gracious ministry of the Holy Ghost, who uses the word of God to unfold to our souls the truth as to our standing in Christ, and as to the walk which comports with that standing. But let it be -clearly understood that the work of the Holy Ghost in practical sanctification, day by day, is founded upon the fact that believers " are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once.'' (Heb. 10:10.) The object of the Holy Ghost is to lead us into the knowledge, the experience, and the practical exhibition of that which was true of us in Christ, the very moment we believed. As regards this, there is progress,· but our standing in Christ is eternally complete.
"Sanctify them through thy truth ï thy word is truth" (John 17:17). And again, "The very God of peace sanctify you wholly." (1 Thess. 5:23.) In these passages, we have the grand practical side of this question. Here we see sanctification presented, not merely as something absolutely and eternally true of us in Christ, but also as wrought out in us, daily and hourly, by the Holy Ghost through the Word. Looked at from this point of view, sanctification is, obviously, a progressive thing. I should be more advanced in personal holiness in the year 1860 than I was in the year 18.09. I should, through grace, be advancing, day by day, in practical holiness. But what, let me ask, is this? What,, but the working out in me of that which was true of me in Christ, the very moment I believed? The basis on which the Holy Ghost carries on the subjective work in the believer, is the objective truth of his eternal completeness in Christ.
Again, " Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord." (Heb. 12:14.) Here, holiness is presented as a thing to be " followed after "-to be attained by earnest pursuit-a thing which every true believer will long to cultivate.
May the Lord lead us into the power of these things! May they not dwell as doctrines and dogmas in the region of our intellect, but enter into and abide in the heart, as sacred and powerfully influential realities! May we know the sanctifying power of the truth (John 17:17); the sanctifying power of faith (Acts 26:18); the sanctifying power of the name of Jesus (1 Cor. 1:30; 6:11); the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit (1 Pet. 1:2); the sanctifying grace of the Father (Jude 1).
And, now, unto the Father, and unto the Son, and unto the Holy Ghost, be honor and glory, might, majesty, and dominion, world without end. Amen.