Martin Luther said:
"Once upon a time, the devil came to me and said, " 'Martin Luther, you are a great sinner, and you will be damned.'
"Stop! stop! said I, "one thing at a time. I am a sinner, it is true, though you have no right to tell me of it. I confess it. What next?"
" 'Therefore you will be damned.' "
"That is not good reasoning. It is true I am a great sinner, but it is written, 'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,' therefore I shall be saved. Now, go your way."
Was it for me He bowed His head
Upon the cross, and freely shed
His precious blood― that crimson tide?
Was it for me the Savior died?
It was for me... yes, all for me...
O love of God... so great, so free...
O wondrous love... I'll shout and sing...
He died for me... my Lord the King!