Satan's Clock

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Satan’s clock is always wrong-it is either too fast or too slow. He tells the deluded soul it is too late; he is too big a sinner; he has “sinned away the day of grace.” His clock is too fast!
Or he tells the procrastinator to be saved, but not just yet. It is too soon; he must have a good time first. After all, he is only young and must see life. He is in business, and business must be seen to. Oh yes, he must be saved, but everything in its own time.
A little later will do—his clock is too slow!
An American missionary had been holding a series of special evangelical meetings in China, and at one of the closing services three eminent statesmen, Sun Yat Sen, Wu Ting Fang and Admiral Chen, were present. The audience was obviously moved by the gospel appeal, and Admiral Chen indicated his desire to accept Christ. As he spoke of his intention, his friend, Wu Ting Fang, whispered to him, saying, “Why not wait until tomorrow?”
Unable to persuade him to decide then, the missionary asked the admiral when he could see him to talk again of these things. “Oh,” said Admiral Chen, “call and see me at eleven in the morning.”
But as he was leaving the building, an assassin shot him and he was fatally wounded. At eleven in the morning, at the very hour when he proposed to make the great decision, his funeral service was being concluded.
Have you accepted Christ as your Savior? The time is NOW!