Satan’s greatest victory today has been won over men and women who have stood in the forefront in Christian work, but who are now speaking of a “fallible Christ,” who had limitations, and whose words, about much of the Old Testament, showed lack of knowledge. These Modernists are many of them worse than Russell—they deliberately sin against the light. Divine light seems never to have shone on Russell, but it has on some of them. Modernists tell us that the Bible contains the Word of God. They send out missionaries who are laughed at by the heathen now, who taunt them, saying, “You do not believe your own Book.” Never before has such a disgrace come to Christianity. How dare they pray to a “fallible Christ,” and expect an answer? How dare they preach the power of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection if He has “His limitations.” Jesus said “Moses spake of Me,” they say by their words and insinuations, he never did.
They have left the name of the Lord Jesus Christ out of hundreds of their hymn books, so as not to annoy the susceptibilities of Hindus and Mahommedans whose children attend their schools. Thank God we can say and know:
“Though men deride Thy lowly Name
God honors it in heaven.”
What would you think, my readers, of one, who pretended to love you, being ashamed of your name, and who aspersed your character? Russell speaks out, and so do the atheists and infidels and others, but these Modernists who defame their Lord are like Judas-they give Jesus into the hands of His enemies with their “Hail! Master,” and their kisses.