SHALL not easily forget hearing these words, “Save! save!” as they reached my ears when one day I was crossing Chelsea Bridge. They came from a youth who, with many others, was bathing in the Thames; his strength had failed him, and he was drowning, and oh! it was indeed fearful to see him struggling, in the vain attempt to regain the shore, which was not many yards off.
Although he was in the midst of his companions, none of them offered him any assistance, when by joining hands they might easily have saved him; but they all made for the shore, and left him to the mercy of the river. Some of the men from the bridge ran to his assistance, but, alas! it was too late.
Oh, how different it was with the Lord Jesus! He did not hesitate to come all the way from heaven to save sinners, but gave Himself up for our sakes to the death of the cross.
Now no earnest cry of “Save! save!” escapes His ear. “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Rom. 10:13.) Reader! you, are in peril of everlasting death; there is none who can save you except Jesus. While there is yet opportunity, oh, cry to Him, “Save me! Save me!” and you shall not cry in vain. L.L.