Saved From H.M.S. Serpent

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 8
THE sad disaster of the loss of H.M.S. Serpent, off Cape Finisterre, on 8th of November, 1890, is still fresh in the memory of many, when only three out of 176 living souls were saved from an awful death.
It was my privilege to listen to one (probably now the only one) of the survivors telling the tale of his merciful deliverance, and I trust that the narrative here given may prove a blessing to all who now read it.
Leaving Plymouth Sound on the 6th November for her station, everything went well until the night of the 8th. It was a dark night and the sea rough in the Bay of Biscay, when, just after eight o'clock, a light was reported. Thinking this was a ship, the "Serpent's" course was altered to clear, but before anyone was aware she found herself on the rocks of the Spanish coast. The sea was so tremendously great that those on deck were almost immediately washed overboard, whilst some made for safety in the rigging, but only, alas! to be soon lurched into the boiling surf and drowned. Listen now to the words of the survivor himself.
“I was coxswain of the lifeboat—the other two survivors were lifeboat's crew. I was thrown into the boiling surf, and lifted by the sea several times on to the rocks, and then carried off again, expecting every moment to he dashed to pieces. Death with all its awfulness came before me, and, with it, all my past wicked and sinful life. I thought of my dear old mother in the little country cottage at Egg Buckland, and could see her as plain as possible praying for her boy. I then cried to the Lord to have mercy on me; and He heard my cry and delivered me when I was just exhausted. A heavy sea then landed me on to a high rock where I could cling to a ledge, and there I stuck with the waves dashing over me and round about me, until I found the waters had turned and left me dry. I then took off my lifebelt and laid down and slept until the morning.”
Thus was Fred Gould mercifully delivered by an unseen hand, and brought safe home again, in answer, shall we not say, to a mother's prayer?
Time rolled on, and Fred forgot the goodness and mercy of our God. But God, however, did not forget him, but some three years ago, led him to a little Mission Hall in Clare Street, Plymouth, to hear the gospel of God's saving grace. There God the Holy Spirit convicted him of sinning against the very One who had shown such love and mercy to him; and, praise God, he was led to repentance. Then he saw the great love of God in giving "His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Then he saw why he was saved from the wreck of the "Serpent"; and Fred believed that night as never before, confessing that Jesus was his Saviour and Lord. Thus he was saved the second time from "that old serpent" called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world (Rev. 12:9). He now considers it a great honor to speak of the mercy of God, and to praise the Lord Jesus Christ for His love and goodness to him, and invites you to
“Believe God's wonderful love,
Believe God's wonderful love,
Salvation is free; God sends it for thee.
Believe God's wonderful love.”
Hear his testimony: " I thank God, through the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ, my Saviour, that I have been brought from death unto life, and am persuaded that He is able to keep me from falling, and to present me faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. And He enables me ' to study to show myself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed’ (2 Tim. 2:15). I have found Him to be a dear loving Friend that sticketh closer than a brother.”
Dear reader, do you know this wonderful Saviour? Do not put off thy soul's salvation any longer, but remember that God declares,
"The soul that on Jesus has leaned for repose,
I’ll never, no never, desert to its foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I'll never, no never, no never forsake.”
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.”
C. H. C.