Saved to Serve

A lady writes:—
Dear Dr. Wreford,—I am enclosing a small donation to help the blessed work you are doing. I am so thankful that I am saved, and I want to help others to know that salvation is free for all, for we know not how soon the Lord will come. —Yours very sincerely, A. M. I—.
A. J. writes:—
Please receive one pound to send Testaments to those who need them.... May the Lord prosper you in His service.
S., Bournemouth, writes:—
I enclose £3 in Treasury Notes to get some Scriptures with. I had thought of Russia, but I think I will leave it to you to send them abroad wherever you have most call.
A lady writes:—
Enclosed 10/- for distribution of Testaments; 5/- especially for the children.
We must not forget the children. The Lord Jesus loved the little children when on earth, and He loves them in heaven today. Help us to continue the blessed work of sending God’s Word to the little ones, as well as to their fathers and mothers. I have no room for more letters now. I wish to say, God bless you, dear friends, for all your loving help, and I ask you earnestly for your prayers.
Yours for Christ’s sake, HEYMAN WREFORD.