HOW long does it take to be saved Just the same amount of time as it takes to believe the record which God hath given of His Son. Believing is an act: it is a thing done in a moment. Therefore God's salvation is an immediate salvation. Praise His name! This is the very salvation needed by a guilty world. Man's way to be saved is on the principle of works. God's way to be saved is on the principle of faith. Now, what does Scripture say as to “faith” and “works" in obtaining peace with God? It matters very little what man says. What does God say? That is the great question. He plainly declares that He saves the sinner on the principle of faith. In Rom. 3. 28 we find it stated in the clearest possible manner that "a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law." Then, again (Rom. 5:1), "Being justified by faith, we have peace with God". Then, again, we read that God hath set forth Christ Jesus for a mercy-seat through faith in His blood (Rom. 3:25). Friend, such are God's terms—" Believe and live". Faith is simply believing the word of another. If a statement is made by one whom you know to be truthful, you believe him: that is to say, you put faith in his word, Now, that is faith, although only in the word of a man. But “if we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater" (1 John 5:9). If you believe what man says, how dare you doubt what God says? God calls on you to believe Him—to put faith in His word—to believe the record He has given of His Son ; and, in believing, the divine assurance is given that you shall "have life through His name" (John 20:31). By him “all that believe " are justified from all things. Are you of that happy company who are justified from all things? But how were they justified? Scripture answers, “Through faith". They had no merit of their own to bring. They pleaded the merit of another—even of God's spotless Son; and God accepted the plea! And He is ready to accept the same plea at your hand. There is none other Name than the Name of Jesus whereby you must be saved. Therefore, let your own worthless name be utterly and forever cast aside, and rest on the merits of Him to whom God loath given a Name which is above every name (Phil. 2:9). It is only through faith that God saves. Are you willing to take God's way—to believe on His Son, and enter into rest? W. S.