Savior of Sinners

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
No works of law have we to boast—
By nature ruined, guilty, lost,
Condemned already; but Thy hand
Provided what Thou didst demand;
We take the guilty sinner's name,
The guilty sinner's Savior claim.
No faith we bring. 'Tis Christ alone—
'Tis what He is, what He has done;
He is for us as given by God,
It was for us He shed His blood:
We take the guilty sinner's name,
The guilty sinner's Savior claim.
We do not feel our sins are gone,
But know it from Thy Word alone;
We know that Thou our sins didst lay
On Him who put our sin away:
We take the guilty sinner's name,
The guilty sinner's Savior claim.
Because we know our sins forgiven,
We happy are: our home is heaven;
O help us now as sons, our God,
To tread the path that Jesus trod!
We take the guilty sinner's name,
The guilty sinner's Savior claim.