Scripture Knowledge.

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Lord, teach a little child to love
Thy sacred word of truth,
And send Thy Spirit from above
To teach me in my youth.
Give me to read its his’tries o’er
And learn Thy way to know:
The steps Thy saints have mark’d before,
In them with care to go.
Teach me my lost estate to know,
My Saviour, too, to see,
Who died and suffer’d all His woe
To save a child like me.
Oh, may I read of Him with joy,
And learn to love Him too;
And may I all my powers employ
His blessed will to do.
“As for God, His way is perfect: the Word of the Lord is tried: He is a buckler to all those that trust in Him.” Psa. 18:30.
ML 02/25/1917