Scripture Queries and Answers: Number of Lot's Daughters; Pharoah Perished in the Red Sea?

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A -It would seem that besides the two maiden daughters in his house Lot had others with his sons-in-law outside, whom he sought in vain to save from the doomed city. In the " Introductory Lectures on the Pentateuch " this oversight is said to have been made. That the confusion has been often made by excellent men is of no weight against the simple force of the word.
Q.-Ex. 14 xv. Is there substantial ground for doubting that the Pharaoh of Exodus, Menephthah, perished with his host in the Red Sea? I am aware that Sir G. Wilkinson (Ancient Egypt, i. 54) so thought, and that the Rev. Professor Rawlinson follows him (Hist. of Anc. Eg., ii. 336).—A Disciple
A.-We are not limited to the writings of Moses. The Psalms are no less divinely inspired. If the language is only general in Exodus, Psa. 136:1515But overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red sea: for his mercy endureth for ever. (Psalm 136:15) is explicit, that Jehovah " overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea."