Seen of Angels

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
Angels in beholding Him, had treasured up what He had said (Luke 24:9, 22), which had not been done by His disciples.
Verse 17. —The two going to Emmaus were filled with sorrow; but see the cause— “We trusted that it was He that should deliver Israel.” It was self that occupied them—not Christ. But His answer shows that “His glory,”—not Israel merely—that was God’s object. How very dull the disciples were! He had often told them of His sufferings, but they believed it not: now He was about to enter upon His glory. Then He opened their understandings, that they might understand the Scriptures: they all speak of Him. He would encourage nearness and familiarity in them too. “Handle me and see,” He says. Try Him and test Him; as it were, bring the bill to Him, and see if He will not honor it. How slow are the hearts of His own to do this! and yet He would have it so.