Selling Oysters

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THE fresh oysters and crabs seem to be much in demand among our colonial friends in this picture.
How thoughtful God is of us to provide us with food from both the land and the water. What thankful children we ought to be! Isn’t it sad that many people enjoy His bounties without stopping to think of God who has given them?
It hurts your feelings to see one pay no attention to your kindness when you have helped him. Is this the way you are treating God? Do you love Him?
Above all these earthly gifts, He has given His Son, Jesus, to die for us. There. is no way of pleasing God in return for His kindness to us, unless we first accept His Son, Jesus, as our own Saviour. Let us thank Him truly for such a Saviour, and for all the other good things He has given us to enjoy while we live in this world.
“Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above.” James 1:17.
“The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Rom. 6:23.
ML 12/24/1933