Sending Signals

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 9
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Let's talk a little more about sending signals. In Gen. 26:8 we read, "Isaac was sporting with...his wife", not with his girlfriend! There are signals between a man and his wife which lead to romantic conduct that is exciting, perfectly normal and appropriate-BUT ONLY in the marriage union. You will not have a "grassy" romance if, by your dress, words, and actions you send signals which encourage your boy friend to try improper sporting.
Sisters, you possess a very marked ability to "start a fire" by your words, your dress and your ways. Do seek the Lord's help that you might cause green grass to grow rather than lighting a fire in your courtship which will burn it up.
How much peace can your boyfriend have-or can your courtship enjoy-if when you are on a date with him you send signals that confuse and entice him to wrong conduct. Read the Song of Solomon carefully. You will see that the wonderful and beautiful expressions and actions of love between the two recorded there are only meant to be enjoyed in the marriage union.