September 13

Romans 3:21
“But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets” —Romans 3:21.
“BUT NOW”— exclaims the apostle. It marks a decided change of subject. Now that man has been fully shown up, God will be revealed. Now upon the proven unrighteousness of all mankind “the righteousness of God is manifested.” Of old He had declared, “I will bring near My righteousness.” This is in no sense a wrought-out, legal righteousness, such as man was unable to produce for God. It is a righteousness “without the law,” that is, altogether apart from any principle of human obedience to a divinely-ordained code of morals. It is a righteousness of Gird for unrighteous men, and is in no wise dependent upon human merit or attainment.
The righteousness of God is a term of wide import. Here it means a righteousness of God’s providing—a perfect standing for guilty men for which God makes Himself responsible. If men are saved at all it must be in righteousness. But of this, man is utterly bereft. Therefore God must find a way whereby every claim of His righteous throne shall be met, and yet guilty sinners be justified from all things. His very nature demands that this must not be at the expense of righteousness but in full accord with it. And this is what has been provided in the work of the cross.
“Father, Thy sov’reign love has sought
Captives to sin, gone far from Thee;
The work that Thine own Son hath wrought
Has brought us back in peace and free.
And now as sons before Thy face.
With joyful steps the path we tread
Which leads us on to that blest place
Prepared for us by Christ our Head.”
—J. N. D.