September 14

Galatians 5:24‑26
“They that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another”—Gal. 5:24-26.
WHEN the will is yielded to God, so that we no longer seek to obey the desires of the flesh, but find our joy in doing His will, as revealed in the Word, life takes on a wholly different character to what we ever experienced before. The surrendered believer leaves the Holy Spirit free to do that work which is His constant delight, so occupying one with Christ Himself, “who is our life” (Col. 3:4), that the life also of Jesus becomes manifested “in our mortal flesh” (2 Cor. 4:11). This is life at its best, whether one designates it as the victorious life, the overcoming life, the higher life, or by any other term. It is the life of Christ working in those who are yielded in Him, thus lifting the believer above earthly principles, worldly ways, and carnal activities. But we need to remember: we are not to be occupied with ourselves and our experiences if we are to know the blessedness of this, but with Christ Himself, and so we shall become increasingly like Him (2 Cor. 3:18).
“Grant my mind and my affections
Wisdom counsel, purity,
That I may be ever seeking
Naught but that which pleases Thee
Let Thy knowledge spread and grow,
Working error’s overthrow.
Holy Spirit, strong and mighty,
Thou who makest all things new,
Make Thy work within me perfect,
Help me by Thy Word so true;
Arm me with that sword of Thine.
And the victory shall be mine.
In the faith, oh, make me steadfast:
Let not Satan, death, or shame
Of my confidence deprive me;
Lord, my refuge is Thy Name.
When the flesh inclines to
Let Thy Word prove stronger still.”
—Heinrich Held, Trans.