September 22

Philippians 3:7
“What things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ”— Philippians 3:7.
EVERY conversion is a miracle. It is God who produces this inward change through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, who effects it by the Word of Truth. But all conversions exe not accompanied by outward signs. To most, “the kingdom of God cometh not with observation” (Luke 17:20). However, Paul’s conversion is definitely typical, involving a sense of sin, and a recognition of Christ Jesus as the only Saviour. When the soul is committed to Him, one is saved. This calls for recognition of His authority over the life, and a readiness to be directed by Him as the risen Lord. From the moment Saul’s heart was won for that Jesus whose followers he had persecuted and whom he had looked upon as an impostor, his one great yearning desire was to know Him better and to glorify Him in all things. This should be characteristic of those who have yielded their hearts to Him.
“Wherever Jesus leads me I will go,
Not only to the mountain-top aglow
With radiant morn and ling’ring light at eve,
But to descents that wind through a ravine,
Where faith must venture on a path unseen
And trust His faithful guidance, and believe.
Though siren voices plead the joys of youth
And seek to lure me from the path of truth,
On pleasure’s primrose way awhile to roam,
I know full well where my Forerunner leads
And, with His grace supplying all my needs,
I’ll follow Him until He calls me Home.”
—W. M. Czamanske.