“Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” ―1 Cor 1:10.
THE security and growth of the churches of God depend upon their obedience to His Word. The personnel of these early assemblies was very similar to that found in practically the same circumstances today. In themselves they were weak and unreliable. But their confidence was in the living God. In His Word He has given all necessary instruction far the confirmation and development of His disciples, both as individuals and in their Church relationships. It is all-important to realize that we have in the Scriptures, especially in the Book of the Acts and in the Epistles of Paul, who deals particularly with truth bearing on the privileges and responsibilities of the Church and the churches, all that is needed to guide us aright.
“‘Mid scenes of confusion and creature-complaints.
How sweet to the soul is communion with saints;
To find at the banquet of mercy there’s room,
To feel in communion a foretaste of home.
Sweet bonds, that unite all the children of peace!
And thrice-blessed Saviour, whose love cannot cease!
Tho’ oft amid trials and dangers we roam.
With Thine were united, and halting toward home.”
—D. Denham.