“Blessed is the man whose strength is in Thee.” Psalm 84:5.
What constitutes its blessedness? It bring us into continual intercourse with our blessed Lord, and love delights in this. Morally, our power for service is found in occupation with Him. Love is ever self-forgetful, and, delighting in its object, would gratify it at any cost.
Let us learn a lesson from a little child: Nestling in her mother’s bosom, she has learned her love; gazing up into her face, she has rejoiced in her smile; that bright sunlight has kindled love in her own tiny heart; and now, as she grows, what delight has she so great as in some little measure to serve her mother? Her service may be feeble, awkwardly and imperfectly rendered, but it is her heart’s delight, for she longs to give pleasure to her loving mother.
What is so grateful to that mother’s heart as her little child’s labor of love? A hireling would do the work far better; but it is the motive and spring of service, which renders it so acceptable.
O dear young Christian, it is not all the truth that the Lord needs servants, for angels willingly serve Him, but if His love has kindled a reciprocal affection in our hearts, He would find an outlet for it in service here upon earth, graciously taking pleasure in our poor bungling work done for love to His name.
“Wherefore we labor, that, whether present or absent, we may be well pleasing to Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:9.
The day speedily approaches when He will call home His beloved servants, and, as manifested before His judgment seat, He will show us what His perfect estimate is of our service. He will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counsels of the heart, and then each shall have praise of God.
How many a little act of service done through love to His name, will He bring to light, unknown perhaps to all but the doer, and even forgotten by him, but never to be forgotten by Him for whom it was done.
O what joy it will be to hear Him pronounce our poor names, and to have His commendation of our imperfect service; and, above all, to rest from our labors with Him, our eternal joy, He Himself ever rejoicing over us!
Dear young Christian, He who shall be our joy forever, is the One who has called us to serve Him a little while. He was Himself the perfect servant upon earth, who, tenderly rebuking the pride of His disciples, said: “I am among you as He that serveth.” Luke 22:27.
Thus He is our perfect model in service, as well as our Object of unfailing delight, whose love moves us to service, and the faith of whom sustains us in it. Let our souls rejoice in Him increasingly, that we may be found working in faith, laboring in love, and patiently waiting for our loved Lord’s return! “Behold, I come quickly!”