“Fold” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
The divinely appointed system of Jewish ordinances which formed the enclosure into which the Lord entered by the door, in order to find His own sheep and lead them out. Gentile believers were added to them, and they became one flock (not “one fold”) with one Shepherd, the Lord Himself (John 10:1, 3, 16). There is no longer a fold on earth for those that are Christ's. They are formed into the church, namely, the one flock.
Sheepfold—Taken at Beit Sahur, December 4, 1937
“Sheep-Cote” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
The same as “sheepfold,” in which the sheep were sheltered at night (1 Sam. 24:3; 2 Sam. 7:8; 1 Chron. 17:7).
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
or miklah {mik-law'}; from 3607; a pen (for flocks)
KJV Usage:
((sheep-))fold. Compare 4357
From Manners and Customs of the Bible:
John 10:1. He that entereth not by the door into the sheep-fold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
In this beautiful figure reference is made to the place of shelter for the sheep where they might repose at night, and be safe from the attacks of wild beasts. The modern sheep-folds of Syria, which no doubt resemble those of ancient times, are low, fiat buildings opening into a court, which is surrounded by a stone wall, protected on the top by a layer of thorns. A doorway carefully guarded forms the entrance. Sheep-folds are referred to in a number of passages. See Numbers 32:16,24,36; 1 Samuel 24:3; 2 Chronicles 32:28; Psalm 78:70.