Short Papers on the Offerings: No. 12

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 12min
Hebrews 9:13  •  11 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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We will now turn to that epistle which more than any other explains the offerings. As no types could possibly set forth fully that which is perfect and infinite, we shall find from first to last, the instruction is mainly by contrast. God, has spoken to us in the Son: “Who being; the brightness of his glory, and the express image his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged, our sins [or made purification for sins] sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. This is surely in contrast, not only with Moses, Aaron, and an earthly priesthood, but He is before us in contrast to all angels, principalities; and powers. The Son is God speaking to us, the brightness of the essential glory of God, the effulgence of God. No creature can be compared to Him who made and upholdeth all things or creatures. He by Himself, with no help or creature—He made purification for sits, having once done this, He sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.
How great the salvation then that flows from such an accomplished work—by such a Person!” We see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man [or thing].” He has glorified God as to sin to the utmost; and God has straightway glorified Him. Could there be a greater proof that He has glorified God, and purged our sins, than to see Him seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high? Let us also remember that this great salvation was entirely His work, not ours. He combined, so to speak, everything in His own person, in bringing many sons unto glory. Everything in the law found its fulfillment in Him, though often in infinite contrast. He was as the Priest to offer the victim, yet He was the victim. He confessed our sins as His own. “A merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.” (Chap. 2:17.) This must be the offering of Himself for sins, as He was not a priest after the order of Aaron, or of the tribe of Levi. This is fully opened up in chapter 7. “Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people’s for this he did once when he offered up himself.”
Can you say, He offered Himself for my sins? What did He actually offer up Himself for? Those very sins, you, if you are a believer, have committed during your whole life from beginning to end. Did He thus undertake for you? Were all your sins laid on Him, reckoned to Him? Have you ever fairly looked at this question? What love was this to you!
Those sins, yes, only one of them must have shut you out from the presence of God and light and holiness. Thousands of sacrifices for sins had been offered before. But for 1500 years man had been shut out by a veil: “The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest.” (Chap. 9:8.) But now the very one who offered Himself for the sins of the people, and if you are a believer for your sins, that very Man, is in the holiest in heaven itself. Not as a priest of the earthly tabernacle.
“Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood, he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.” (Heb. 9:12.) He has entered as our Substitute, not by, or through the value of the blood of goats and calves, but according to the infinite value of His own blood, shed for us on the cross. By which He has surely obtained eternal redemption for us. When the atoning work on the cross was finished, yes, when He cried, “It is finished,” and bowed His head in death, them the veil was rent from top to bottom.
But have you entered into the meaning of that eternal redemption, which He obtained for us? What is redemption? It is not only being bought, a ransom paid, fully sufficient for the sin of the world. Redemption is something beyond It is the complete deliverance out of one state or condition, into another; as Israel after they were brought out of Egypt; and, as a slave when he is brought out of slavery into the state of liberty, his former master has no more claim; or as a prisoner redeemed from bondage, every link of his chains gone. Now to say all the world is redeemed from sin, and hell, and Satan, is to make redemption mean nothing: it is to destroy its meaning. Can all the world say, “We have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins?” You know they cannot. Can you? If you are a believer you greatly dishonor Christ if you cannot say, He has obtained eternal redemption for me; Satan has no claim on me; not a sin remains on me—not a link on the chain. I am brought out of that bondage to sin and Satan, all sins being forgiven forever, forever. Brought out of darkness into light, and in that light forever. For such is the redemption that He has obtained for me. It was obtained for me when He died on the cross. It is possessed the moment the sinner believes on the Lord Jesus Christ. God said, “When I see the blood I will pass over.” The blood on the throne, yes, Jesus Himself on the throne, is the proof that God will remember our sins no more.
What about your conscience? In contrast with the blood of bulls and goats purifying the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, Who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead. works to Serve the living God?” Now what is it to have a purged conscience? Nay, first, What is conscience? Is it not the sense, or knowledge, that because of what you have done against another, that person has this thing against you? I know the sins I have done, and God knows them even far better than I know them; and if He has one sin on His mind against me, my conscience is bad and not purged. But here is a marvelous thing. God has so loved me, as to give His only begotten Son to take the full responsibility of all my sins. And He the Son has done it. And this was not only to cleanse me, by His blood from all sin, but also to purge my conscience, to remove every trace of fear or thought, that God has, or ever can have, one single thing against me. There is nothing but love, unhindered love.
Do you say, This may be very true as to all sins before conversion but my trouble is about sins since I had redemption? Stay, you forget the redemption Christ has obtained is eternal. And just here comes in that wondrous fact, that all the sacrifices of Leviticus were for a people, God’s people, who had been redeemed; who had sung the song of redemption in Exod. 15. Yes, even the day of atonement was appointed after the sin of the sons of Aaron. So that, what God is teaching us here in these references to those sacrifices, really meets the whole question of our sins, whether before or after we were brought to Him.
Quite true the offerings of the law could never do this; but do not say the one offering or sacrifice of Christ could not do this. For this He came; for this He died; for this He offered Himself, through the eternal Spirit. “How much more shall the blood of Christ purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.” Do you say, My sins are so great, so aggravated, I cannot feel sure that God who knows all, has nothing against me, and will never remember my sins any more? Then you do not believe that Christ did the work He came to accomplish. Do you say, It is past all human apprehension, or conception, that a vile sinner, or still worse a, failing believer, should be brought to know with certainty not only that his sins are forgiven, but that God can never impute sin unto him—never more have anything against him? Surely if should sin, would not God have that sin against him? If He have, in what particular would the death of Jesus be superior to the death, or blood of a goat? Would He not have to suffer and die again? And this cannot be. There remaineth no more offering for sin, it is at our eternal peril if we reject the infinite value and efficacy of the blood of Jesus. And, oh think of the blessedness of those who believe God, who have entered the holiest in perfect peace, assured that God can never have one thing against them. This is a purged conscience. For this our Jesus offered Himself. And He has entered heaven to appear before the face of God for us in proof that our sins, once laid on Him, are gone to be remembered no more. So that whilst He is there, our consciences are perfectly cleansed, or purged. We are in the light as He is in the light, and His blood cleanses us from all sin. There is nothing in the heart of God towards us but perfect love.
Do you say, I dare not accept this; it would lead to utter neglect of the service of God? Why, friend, you are mistaken, not God. This very purging of the conscience from dead works is to serve the living God.” Yes, depend upon this, until your conscience is thus purged, or until you do thus believe God, all your works are dead works of unbelief. And if you are even a Christian, and do not know this blessed truth, that God can have nothing against you, you have no power for real service to God. You say, How can this be, since I see so much failure, sad failure even since I was, I trust, converted? And you look at yourself until you are dumb, yes, a dumb Christian, just as Zacharias was a dumb priest, whilst he doubted the word of Gabriel, the angel of God. He said “whereby shall I know this?” What a question, when God had sent him word it should be so. On this very account he was dumb. Why are there so many dumb Christians? Simply because there are so many deaf ones who refuse to hear the word that God hath sent to them. You are in company; not a word for Christ dare you speak. Why? Because you have not fully believed what God has said about a purged conscience.
Is this truth beginning to dawn upon you? You will be like Zacharias when he had called for a writing table and said “his name is John.” Can you just sit down now and say, “his name is Jesus?” Can you bless God that He has purged your conscience from all sins forever? perfected your conscience forever? Oh, you will be no longer dumb, but ever ready to sing and make known how God sent His beloved Son “to give knowledge of salvation unto his people, by the remission of their sins, through the tender mercy of our God: whereby the day-spring [or sun-risings from on high hath visited us.” We, on the north part of the earth, scarce know what the sudden dayspring or sunrise is in the east. It is just like that when the full value of the blood of Christ bursts upon us. We would ask a wide question: How is it there is so little power and liberty to make: known the great salvation to others? Is it not because the blessed truth of a purged conscience is so little enjoyed? Is not all service, apart from this, mere unbelief?
We have dwelt rather at length on this question of a purged conscience, because of its vast importance in every way; and also that it is so much overlooked. And also because it Is the great need of thousands; yes, the need °Teat numbers of those who are Christians. We shall find the subject still continued in chapter Yes, God knows its deep importance to your and mine; and therefore in pure love He gives us still further explanation. What a theme the question of our sins, past, present, and future, should there be any in future, all settled by the blood of Jesus, so that the conscience is purged. No charge will God ever bring; all peace, everlasting, perfect peace. Is there peace with you? Then sit down and write “NAME IS JESUS.”