Showers of Blessing.

IN our March number, under the heading “A Sound of Abundance of Rain,” we drew attention to the fact that a widespread feeling existed that we were on the eve of a time of much blessing in the gospel.
We are confirmed in our thought that this is the case. Wherever the gospel is preached simply and earnestly, there seems a growing desire on the part of the people to hear; and wherever the people of God have been led to come together for prayer on behalf of the gospel in all parts of the earth, signs following have been the result.
Many during the last year have followed with prayerful interest the movements of some well-known evangelists, and have given thanks to God for what seems to be a great ingathering of souls. But in most of these cases there has been a great deal of organization which might to a large extent account for the great crowds drawn together.
Now, however, tidings reach us from the north of Scotland of a most remarkable revival which bears more resemblance to those soul-stirring times in 1859 when the Spirit of the Lord moved in such mighty power over the land. May it not be that there will be just before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ such another season of blessing, aye, and greater still! God grant it!
Along the Banffshire coast whole families are being saved. No individual missioner is prominent, but every building where the Word of God is preached is crowded to the doors. The preaching does not last long, but the services themselves often continue for six hours. Business is at a standstill, and commercial travelers can get no ear for trade purposes. All are absorbed in the weightier concerns of the soul and eternity. We are told that many of the people have not had their clothes off for several successive nights, and that the workers can scarcely snatch more than a few hours’ sleep in the early morning.
We would encourage all our readers to pray that this work of grace may spread far and wide. Let each one ask himself and herself―
“Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?”
Should this article penetrate to places where no suitable preachers are found, at any rate get together for prayer. Pray for the conversion of individuals known to you. A manuscript book now lies before me containing the requests for prayer presented at a little weekly cottage meeting in Somersetshire in 1862. Prayer was asked for the conversion of husbands, wives, sons and daughters, &c. It is encouraging to see in many cases the word
penciled on the same page. Some of these we are personally acquainted with. Many have entered into their rest.
Let us not hinder by our unbelief. Let each one
Get right with God.
Let each one spend much more time in prayer and the reading of the Word. Should an unsaved reader be scanning these lines, we would say to such, “Do not wait until a revival breaks out in your district, but come to the Lord Jesus Christ now, this very moment.”
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
“Showers of blessing,
Showers of blessing we need.
Mercy-drops round us are falling,
But for the showers we plead.”