Simeon's Faith Rewarded

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 9
God knew pious old Simeon's attitude of waiting in faith for the Messiah and in due time honored it. The Holy Spirit made known to him that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. His was this unspeakable privilege, surpassing that of all the distinguished saints and prophets who had before spoken of the coming Messiah—not only to know the fact of His birth, but that He should be really seen, known, and possessed. The temple is the favored and divinely ordered place where Simeon and Messiah would meet. There Joseph and Mary brought Israel's King and Savior, to do to Him according to the law. There, by the blessed Holy Spirit, was Simeon given to know that the Babe on Mary's knees was no less than Jehovah's Christ. Then, the indescribable ecstasy when he received Him into his arms, and now possessed the everlasting Blesser and Redeemer, our Lord and Savior, and their King.
What a fact and voice for today, that Jesus has come, has been seen, and been possessed by a just and pious Jew, in himself but a poor sinner needing a Savior as others, but who could say, "Mine eyes have seen Thy salvation"! The mere religious professor may own that Christ did indeed come, yet deny that He, and He only, is the Savior; nevertheless the truth remains that there is salvation in no other name than His, the woman's Seed, the Son of God, the holy Sin bearer. The first fruit of Simeon's possessing the Christ was to bless God in the holy and happy and grateful acknowledgment of His salvation now seen, gladdening the heart of God by the reception of His Anointed. Not only this, but Simeon declares in his
song and testimony marvelous things about the Child, the Gentiles, and His people (and in this order), with the blessed effect upon himself in a satisfied heart, a peaceful spirit, and readiness to depart out of the world.
The Lord has changed His place and position. No longer the Babe of the temple, He is seated at the right hand of God in all the value of an accomplished redemption, and because He lives we shall live also. And He is coming to receive us to Himself, that where He is, we may be also. Simeon, then, having blessed God, expressed his desire to depart in peace according to Jehovah's word, because his eyes had beheld His salvation. Precious testimony with all its sufficiency then! How much more for today, when the Holy Spirit has come, the witness to the shed blood of Calvary, to the One now exalted in heaven, "a light for revelation of the Gentiles and the glory of Thy people Israel." Luke 2:32; J.N.D. Trans. This is what the faith of Simeon declared, that the whole range and extent of blessing and. glory depended upon the Babe he was leaving behind. If more than nineteen centuries have since rolled away, yet shall Jew, Gentile, and the earth be blessed in and by Him who is "King of kings IF and Lord of lords." Then Israel and the nations shall own and call Him blessed. He who was the wondrous Babe of Bethlehem is the Lion of Judah's tribe; and He who "emptied Himself" shall sit on the throne of His glory. In that day "shall the righteous flourish" and there shall be abundance of peace.