Sin, Love, and Faith.

What is sin? ‘Tis the bold defiance
Of the God who gave us breath;
Daring heart-and-hand alliance
With His foe in deeds of death:
‘Tis the heart in alienation,
With its streams of hate and gall;
But rejecting His salvation
Is the crowning sin of all.
1 John 3:8; John 15:22-24.
What is love? See love’s expression
In the Son, the sent of God, ―
For our guilt and deep transgression
Shedding His atoning blood,
To redeem from condemnation
Those whose lot was death and hell,
And to give, with full salvation,
Endless life with Him to dwell.
1 John 4:10.
What’s believing? ‘Tis submission
To the God of love and grace;
‘Tis to own our true condition,
And to take the sinner’s place;
‘Tis to bow the soul before Him,
And to look to Christ, His Son;
‘Tis to worship and adore Him,
Owning thus what grace hath done.
Rom. 10:8-17.