Sin Put Away

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How very simple is the gospel of the grace of God! How leveling to all man’s proud pretensions! It lays in the dust, it grinds to powder, it tears in shreds the words, feelings. experiences, expedients, and efforts of poor man. Nothing is so withering to the flesh as the cross. The gospels of the grace and glory of God reveals Jesus; it tells of peace made by the blood of the cross, and preached fully and freely to every creature under heaven. It tells of sin put away. How? “By the sacrifice of Himself.” It reveals Jesus sacrificing Himself to put away sin. O! it is done. The work once accomplished needs no repetition. “Now once in the end of the world hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.1
He appeared in the world 1900 years ago. What for? To put away sin. How did He do it? By the sacrifice of Himself. His tears, His groans, His weariness, His nights of cold, hunger, and toil were fruitless to put sin away. Most blessed and solemnizing that wondrous pathway, shining in all divine and lovely perfection! But “without the shedding of blood there is no remission.” By “Himself” He has purged the sins of all who believe, and for them has “sat down” at God’s right hand. Sins purged and a seated Christ! What precious, yea, divine certainties are these! “There remaineth no more sacrifice for sins.” Sinner, is not this enough for thee? Sin put away by the sacrifice of Himself! Christ seated above, because His work for the sinner is done! And now the testimony of the Holy Spirit— “There remaineth no more sacrifice for sins.”
Are you laboring to make your peace with God? Foolish attempt! Peace has been made. (Eph. 2.) Now, I beseech you, as one who struggled long and wearily at the sad task of propitiating God, cast your doings (they are only dead works) aside, and muse for one moment over these words— “There remaineth no more sacrifice for sins.” Do you turn then, in despair from self and self-doings, and give up all trying? Is it so? Stand still, now; you are free to listen to the voice of God— “Deliver him from going down to the pit. I have found a ransom.” God has found a ransom. Blessed news! Christ on the cross is God’s ransom for the poor sinner!
The Man, Christ Jesus, raised up from among the dead, has, by His own blood, settled to all eternity every question between God and man. God has positive joy in receiving sinners. It is His delight to save and deliver from the pit “whomsoever will.”
Are you satisfied with Jesus? May every reader of these pages rest simply in the faith that sin has been judged and set aside by the precious blood of Christ!
1. Hebrews 9:26; John 1:29 present the foundations-the person and work of the Lord Jesus-on which God will yet act in blotting out sin from the heavens and the earth. Faith in God makes it good in the soul now.