Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(clay). (1) A city of Egypt identified with Pelusium, “town of clay or mud,” on eastern mouth of Nile near the sea (Ezek. 30:15-16). (2) A desert portion of Arabia between Gulf of Suez and Sinai (Ex. 16:1; 17:1; Num. 33:11-12). It was in this wilderness that the Israelites were first fed with manna and quails. It skirts the eastern coast of the gulf for a distance of 25 miles.
Concise Bible Dictionary:
The district lying between the Red Sea and Sinai, in some part of which the Israelites encamped (Ex. 16:1; Ex. 17:1; Num. 33:11-12). See Map under WANDERINGS OF THE ISRAELITES.
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
of uncertain derivation; Sin the name of an Egyptian town and (probably) desert adjoining
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Clay; mud:―name of an Egyptian town and of a desert place, Ezek. 30:15. {Lutum}
From Anstey’s Doctrinal Definitions:
As a rule in the New Testament epistles, “sins” (plural) refer to the evil deeds that men do, and “sin” (singular) is the fallen nature in men (the flesh). Hence, “sins” are evil actions, whereas “sin” is the evil nature. The first is what we have done, and the second is what we are. Thus, “sins” are manifestations of “sin;” or “sins” are the product of “sin;” or “sins” are the fruit of a bad tree and “sin” is the root of that bad tree. “Sin” is more than just the old sin-nature; it is that evil nature with a will in it that is determined to gratify its lusts.
Another difference between these two things is that “sins” can be “forgiven” by the grace of God (Rom. 4:7), but “sin” is not forgiven, but rather, it is “condemned” under the righteous judgment of God (Rom. 8:3). It is important to pay attention to this distinction when reading the epistles; if we don’t, we will come away with some mistaken ideas.